ÉlectrochimieL’électrochimie est la discipline scientifique qui s’intéresse aux relations entre la chimie et l’électricité. Elle décrit les phénomènes chimiques couplés à des échanges réciproques d’énergie électrique. L'électrochimie comprend toutes technologies et techniques issues de ses travaux scientifiques, comme les travaux concernant l'électrolyse, la corrosion, les piles, les piles à combustibles, les accumulateurs, et l'électrodéposition.
Énergie renouvelableLes énergies renouvelables (parfois abrégées EnR) proviennent de sources d'énergie dont le renouvellement naturel est assez rapide pour qu'elles puissent être considérées comme inépuisables à l'échelle du temps humain. Elles proviennent de phénomènes naturels cycliques ou constants induits par les astres : le Soleil essentiellement pour la chaleur et la lumière qu'il produit, mais aussi l'attraction de la Lune (marées) et la chaleur engendrée par la Terre (géothermie).
100% renewable energy100% renewable energy means getting all energy from renewable resources. The endeavor to use 100% renewable energy for electricity, heating, cooling and transport is motivated by climate change, pollution and other environmental issues, as well as economic and energy security concerns. Shifting the total global primary energy supply to renewable sources requires a transition of the energy system, since most of today's energy is derived from non-renewable fossil fuels.
Sustainable productsSustainable products are those products that provide environmental, social and economic benefits while protecting public health and environment over their whole life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials until the final disposal. According to Belz, Frank-Martin., the definition of sustainable product has six characteristics: Customer satisfaction: any products or services that do not meet customer needs will not survive in the market in a long term.
Variable renewable energyVariable renewable energy (VRE) or intermittent renewable energy sources (IRES) are renewable energy sources that are not dispatchable due to their fluctuating nature, such as wind power and solar power, as opposed to controllable renewable energy sources, such as dammed hydroelectricity or biomass, or relatively constant sources, such as geothermal power. The use of small amounts of intermittent power has little effect on grid operations. Using larger amounts of intermittent power may require upgrades or even a redesign of the grid infrastructure.
Sustainable consumptionSustainable consumption (sometimes abbreviated to "SC") is the use of products and services in ways that minimizes impacts on the environment. Sustainable consumption is done in a way that needs are met for present humans but also for future generations. Sustainable consumption is often paralleled with sustainable production; consumption refers to use and disposal (or recycling) not just by individuals and households, but also by governments, businesses, and other organizations.
Sustainable livingSustainable living describes a lifestyle that attempts to reduce the use of Earth's natural resources by an individual or society. Its practitioners often attempt to reduce their ecological footprint (including their carbon footprint) by altering their home designs and methods of transportation, energy consumption and diet. Its proponents aim to conduct their lives in ways that are consistent with sustainability, naturally balanced, and respectful of humanity's symbiotic relationship with the Earth's natural ecology.
Sustainable food systemA sustainable food system is a type of food system that provides healthy food to people and creates sustainable environmental, economic, and social systems that surround food. Sustainable food systems start with the development of sustainable agricultural practices, development of more sustainable food distribution systems, creation of sustainable diets, and reduction of food waste throughout the system. Sustainable food systems have been argued to be central to many or all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Environmental impact of electricity generationElectric power systems consist of generation plants of different energy sources, transmission networks, and distribution lines. Each of these components can have environmental impacts at multiple stages of their development and use including in their construction, during the generation of electricity, and in their decommissioning and disposal. These impacts can be split into operational impacts (fuel sourcing, global atmospheric and localized pollution) and construction impacts (manufacturing, installation, decommissioning, and disposal).
Développement durablevignette|Diagramme de Venn du développement durable, à l'intersection de trois préoccupations, dites « les trois piliers du développement durable ».Les descriptions des intersections partielles peuvent varier. Le développement durable (, parfois traduit par développement soutenable) est une conception du développement qui s'inscrit dans une perspective de long terme et en intégrant les contraintes environnementales et sociales à l'économie.