Purpose: T1 Magnetization Prepared Two Rapid Acquisition Gradient Echo (MP2RAGE) with compress sensing (CS) has been proposed as an improvement of the standard MPRAGE sequence with multiple advantages including reduced acquisition time needed to provide a quantitative 3D anatomical image coupled with T1-map. Here we investigated the agreement between FreeSurfer-derived volume measurements obtained from MPRAGE and CS MP2RAGE acquisitions. Methods: MPRAGE and CS MP2RAGE images of 37 subjects (14 patients with neurodegenerative disorders and 23 healthy controls) were acquired on a 3 T MR scanner and grey matter volumes were extracted using standard FreeSurfer parcellation. Lin's concordance correlation coefficient (Lin's CCC), Bland-Altman analysis, Passing-Bablok regression and DICE similarity coefficient were calculated to assess the agreement between the two. Results: We found a good correspondence for most of the regions examined, with 93.5 % of them showing a mean DICE index >0.70. Poorer results were found with Lin's CCC especially for subcortical labels across patients. The Bland-Altman analysis showed CS MP2RAGE tended to measure lower cortical volumes compared to MPRAGE but in most cases the difference wasn't statistically relevant. The Passing-Bablock regression indicated overall an absence of systematic constant and proportional bias when CS MP2RAGE was used instead of MPRAGE. Conclusions: We found a good concordance for volumes obtained from MPRAGE and CS MP2RAGE images using FreeSurfer, suggesting a possible role of CS MP2RAGE for structural analysis with significant advantages like shorter acquisition time and the possibility to simultaneously obtain quantitative T1-maps of the brain enriching the diagnostic power of this technique.
Djalel Eddine Meskaldji, Laura Ioana Gui, Serafeim Loukas