Molecules with inversion of the singlet and triplet excited-state energies are highly promising for the development of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). To date, azaphenalenes are the only class of molecules where these inversions have been identified. Here, we screen a curated database of organic crystal structures to identify existing compounds for violations of Hund's rule in the lowest excited states. We identify two further classes with this behavior. The first, a class of zwitterions, has limited relevance to molecular emitters as the singlet-triplet inversions occur in the third excited singlet state. The second class consists of two D2h-symmetry non-alternant hydrocarbons, a fused azulene dimer and a bicalicene, whose lowest excited singlet states violate Hund's rule. Due to the connectivity of the polycyclic structure, they achieve this symmetry through aromatic stabilization. These hydrocarbons show promise as the next generation of building blocks for OLED emitters.
David Lyndon Emsley, Michael Allan Hope, Yuxuan Zhang, Amrit Venkatesh
Marc Hamilton Folkmann Garner, Jacob Terence Blaskovits