We report on the discovery of two low-luminosity, broad-line active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at z > 5 identified using JWST NIRSpec spectroscopy from the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) survey. We detect broad Ha emission in the spectra of both sources, with FWHM of 2060 +/- 290 km s(-1) and 1800 +/- 200 km s(-1), resulting in virial black hole (BH) masses that are 1-2 dex below those of existing samples of luminous quasars at z > 5. The first source, CEERS 2782 at z = 5.242, is 2-3 dex fainter than known quasars at similar redshifts andwas previously identified as a candidate low-luminosity AGN based on its morphology and rest-frame optical spectral energy distribution (SED). We measure a BH mass of M-BH = (1.3 +/- 0.4) x 10(7)M(circle dot), confirming that this AGN is powered by the least massive BH known in the Universe at the end of cosmic reionization. The second source, CEERS 746 at z = 5.624, is inferred to be a heavily obscured, broad-line AGN caught in a transition phase between a dust-obscured starburst and an unobscured quasar. We estimate its BH mass to be in the range of MBH; (0.9-4.7) x 107Me, depending on the level of dust obscuration assumed. We perform SED fitting to derive host stellar masses, Ma, allowing us to place constraints on the BH-galaxy mass relationship in the lowest mass range yet probed in the early Universe. The M-BH/M-* ratio for CEERS 2782, in particular, is consistent with or higher than the empirical relationship seen in massive galaxies at z = 0. We examine the narrow emission line ratios of both sources and find that their location on the BPT and OHNO diagrams is consistent with model predictions for moderately low metallicity AGNs with Z/Ze(circle dot)similar or equal to 0.2-0.4. The spectroscopic identification of lowluminosity, broad-line AGNs at z > 5 with M-BH similar or equal to 10(7)M(circle dot) demonstrates the capability of JWST to push BH masses closer to the range predicted for the BH seed population and provides a unique opportunity to study the early stages of BH-galaxy assembly.