This article presents a triaxial micro electromechani-cal system (MEMS) capacitive accelerometer using a high-voltage biasing technique to achieve high resolution with ultralow power. The accelerometer system generates a differential pair of high voltages to bias the MEMS structure, raising the MEMS signal substantially above the noise floor of the analog front-end(AFE) circuits. With the consequent increased signal-to-noiseratio (SNR), the proposed accelerometer system eliminates the need for a power-hungry low-noise amplifier (LNA) and signal chopping which significantly improves the power-noise trade off found in conventionally biased MEMS accelerometers. Moreover, by fine-tuning the bias voltages, the proposed method cancels the electrostatic mismatch in the MEMS due to process variation and ensures robust operation. The proposed accelerometer is composed of one integrated MEMS-CMOS chip and one CMOS-only chip. In post fabrication testing, it achieves a 121-mu g/root Hz input-referred noise floor with +/- 1.5-g dynamic range,
Luis Guillermo Villanueva Torrijo, Damien Maillard, Göran Stemme, Simone Pagliano
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