The integration of the new plasma position reflectometer in the RFX-mod2 experiment (the upgraded version of the previous RFX-mod that operated until 2015) is presented in this contribution. Particular attention has been devoted to the high field side subsystem where an antenna pair will be installed in the inner midplane. Waveguides, insulated through the application of a ZrO painting, will be routed in between the vacuum vessel and the conductive shell to a vertical port. The severe constraints in terms of physical space available guided the antennas design: a hoghorn antenna model was first numerically modeled and, due to the complex geometry, produced through metal additive manufacturing; then, a post -production surface treatment allowed achieving a surface with characteristic roughness and conductivity comparable to traditional manufactured antennas. Different bench tests are presented to assess the system performance.
Jean-Philippe Hogge, Francisco Sanchez
Josephine Anna Eleanor Hughes, Max Mirko Polzin