Nonreciprocal topological edge states based on external magnetic bias have been regarded as the last resort for genuine unidirectional wave transport, showing superior robustness over topological states with preserved time-reversal symmetry. However, fast and efficient reconfigurability of their trajectory has remained a formidable challenge due to the difficulty in controlling the spatial distribution of magnetic fields over large areas and short times. Here, this persistent issue is solved by leveraging the rich topology of unitary scattering networks, and achieve fast steering of nonreciprocal topological transport at an interface between a Chern and an anomalous topological insulator, without having to control a magnetic field. Such interface can be drawn by doping the network with scatterers located at the center of each link, whose level of reflection is electrically tuned. With experiments in the GHz range, the possibility to actively steer the way of unidirectional edge states is demonstrated, switching the transmission path thousands of times per second in a fully-robust topological heterostructure. The approach represents a significant step towards the realization of practical reconfigurable topological meta-devices with broken time-reversal symmetry, and their application to future robust communication technologies.
Frédéric Mila, Pratyay Ghosh, Ronny Thomale