The present work proposes an extension to the approach of [Xi, C; et al. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2022, 18, 6878] to calculate ion solvation free energies from first-principles (FP) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a hybrid solvation model. The approach is first re-expressed within the quasi-chemical theory of solvation. Then, to allow for longer simulation times than the original first-principles molecular dynamics approach and thus improve the convergence of statistical averages at a fraction of the original computational cost, a machine-learned (ML) energy function is trained on FP energies and forces and used in the MD simulations. The ML workflow and MD simulation times (approximate to 200 ps) are adjusted to converge the predicted solvation energies within a chemical accuracy of 0.04 eV. The extension is successfully benchmarked on the same set of alkaline and alkaline-earth ions.
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