Software requirements specificationA software requirements specification (SRS) is a description of a software system to be developed. It is modeled after the business requirements specification (CONOPS). The software requirements specification lays out functional and non-functional requirements, and it may include a set of use cases that describe user interactions that the software must provide to the user for perfect interaction.
Progicielvignette|Alfresco, un progiciel « Progiciel » (mot-valise, contraction de duit et lo), un logiciel professionnel standard ou parfois paquet logiciel (de l'anglais software package) est un terme commercial qui désigne un logiciel applicatif généraliste aux multiples fonctions, composé d'un ensemble de programmes paramétrables et destiné à être utilisé par une large clientèle. Un progiciel est une sorte de « couteau suisse » du logiciel, vendu en volume : plusieurs usages dans un même logiciel.
Application frameworkIn computer programming, an application framework consists of a software framework used by software developers to implement the standard structure of application software. Application frameworks became popular with the rise of graphical user interfaces (GUIs), since these tended to promote a standard structure for applications. Programmers find it much simpler to create automatic GUI creation tools when using a standard framework, since this defines the underlying code structure of the application in advance.
Architecture domainAn architecture domain in enterprise architecture is a broad view of an enterprise or system. It is a partial representation of a whole system that addresses several concerns of several stakeholders. It is a description that hides other views or facets of the system described. Business, data, application and technology architectures are recognized as the core domains in the most of proposed concepts concerned with the definition of enterprise architecture.