Currently many researches in the field of multimodal interfaces (input, output) have been made in order to be able to achieve complex tasks merely, naturally, and quickly. Expert interfaces should be considering the risks resulting from an ordered action, to prevent any harmful action and to suggest possible alternatives. Taking into account the complexity of the tasks to achieve and exponential growth of information, the adaptive systems are henceforth essential to make possible and facilitate the work of the operator. A good man-machine interface is thus strongly required. We note that multiple interaction and manipulation techniques are currently available, but at this time, the characteristic tools of the WIMP paradigm (Windows, Icons, Menus and Ppointing device) did not find their equivalent in 3D interfaces. There still remains way to make to be able to find the perfect tool and to enforce it as a standard for the 3D interfaces and applications. Therefore, our research was focused gradually towards the proposal for a mediating interface: a very adaptive and functional interface, intended to simplify to the maximum the human interaction in the execution of complex work. The concept of the "mediator" might be clarified in the following way, i.e.: A user in full immersive system named mediator world will be able to control or interact a front distance, through an intermediary haptic devices, on another virtual or real world named controlled world. Let us recall that the Human needs simple tools to be able to achieve complicated tasks. In such a case, one of the ultimate goals is to make the machine adapt to the human instead of forcing the human to adapt to the machine.
Bruno Emanuel Ferreira De Sousa Correia, Anthony Marchand, Emmanuel Doram Levy, Xiao Wang
George Candea, Rishabh Ramesh Iyer
Martin Vetterli, Christine Mohr, Loïc Arnaud Baboulaz, Pierre Gabioud