In this paper we describe the evolution of a discrete-time recurrent neural network to control a real mobile robot. In all our experiments the evolutionary procedure is carried out entirely on the physical robot without human intervention. We show that the autonomous development of a set of behaviors for locating a battery charger and periodically returning to it can be achieved by lifting constraints in the design of the robot/environment interactions that were employed in a preliminary experiment. The emergent homing behavior is based on the autonomous development of an internal neural topographic map (which is not pre-designed) that allows the robot to choose the appropriate trajectory as function of location and remaining energy.
Francesco Mondada, Vaios Papaspyros
Daniel Carnieto Tozadore, Arzu Güneysu Özgür
Pierre Dillenbourg, Daniel Carnieto Tozadore, Chenyang Wang, Barbara Bruno, Melike Cezayirlioglu