A novel NMR method characterizes slow motions in proteins by multiple refocusing of double- and zero-quantum coherences of amide protons and nitrogen-15 nuclei. If both nuclei experience changes in their isotropic chem. shifts because of internal motions on slow time scales (ms-ms), this leads to a difference in the relaxation rates of double- and zero-quantum coherences. This is due to CSM/CSM (chem. shift modulation) cross-correlation effects that are related to the well-known chem. exchange contribution Rex to the decay rate R2 = 1/T2 of nitrogen-15 nuclei. The CSM/CSM contributions can be distinguished from other mechanisms through their dependence on the repetition rate of a Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) multiple refocusing sequence. In ubiquitin, motional processes can be identified that could hitherto not be obsd. by conventional CPMG nitrogen-15 NMR. [on SciFinder (R)]
Drazen Dujic, Stefan Milovanovic
Rolf Gruetter, Lijing Xin, Daniel Gallichan, Eulalia Serés Roig