A murine hybridoma line (Zac3), secreting an IgA monoclonal antibody, was cultivated in different systems: a BALB/c mouse, a T-flask, a stirred-tank bioreactor and a hollow fiber reactor. These systems were characterized in terms of cell metab. and performances for IgA prodn. Cultures in T-flask and batch bioreactor were found to be glutamine-limited. Ammonia and lactate were produced in significant amts. IgA productivity was found to be const. and growth assocd. Final IgA concn. was similar in both systems. In fed-batch cultures, supplemented with glutamine and glucose, max. viable cell concn. was increased by 60% and final IgA concn. by 155%. The hollow fiber reactor was able to produce very large amts. of IgA at very high concns., similar to the value found in ascites fluid. The productivity of Zac3 is similar to the values reported for IgG-producing cell lines. [on SciFinder (R)]
Natalia Gasilova, Jean-Manuel Segura, David Viertl
Didier Trono, Priscilla Turelli, Marc Emmenegger