The orientation dependence of the longitudinal piezoelectric coefficient, d(33)(), is investigated as a function of temperature in BaTiO3 and PbTiO3 crystals using the Landau-Ginsburg-Devonshire theory. We show that a presence of the ferroelectric-ferroelectric phase transitions in BaTiO3 leads to enhanced d(33)() along nonpolar directions. The reason for this is that in the vicinity of a phase transition temperature at which a polarization vector changes its direction (tetragonal-orthorhombic/monoclinic, orthorhombic/monoclinic-rhombohedral), the shear piezoelectric coefficients become high. It is shown for all ferroelectric phases of BaTiO3 that the shear stress deforms the crystal cell and changes the polarization direction in a similar way as the corresponding temperature-induced phase transition. The influence of the piezoelectric shear effect on the anisotropy of d(33)() is particularly pronounced in the orthorhombic/monoclinic phase where the piezoelectric shear coefficients are determined by the presence of both the high-temperature tetragonal and the low-temperature rhombohedral phases. In PbTiO3, which does not exhibit ferroelectric-ferroelectric phase transitions, the shear piezoelectric effect is weak and d(33)() has its maximum along the polar axis at all temperatures. These results can be generalized to include phase transitions induced by electric-field and composition variations and are valid for all perovskite materials, including complex relaxor-ferroelectric perovskites that have recently attracted attention for their exceptionally large piezoelectric properties. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
Dragan Damjanovic, Xiaolong Li
Vasiliki Tileli, Reinis Ignatans