Stéphanie LacourStéphanie P. Lacour holds the Bertarelli Foundation Chair in Neuroprosthetic Technology in the School of Engineering at EPFL and leads the Laboratory for Soft Bioelectronic Interfaces. She received her PhD in Electrical Engineering from INSA de Lyon, France, and completed postdoctoral research at Princeton University and the University of Cambridge. She is the recipient of the 2006 MIT TR35, a University Research Fellowship of the Royal Society, European Research Council ERC Starting and POC Grants, and a SNSF-ERC Consolidator Grant. She was elected a 2015 Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.
Patrick AebischerPatrick Aebischer a achevé une formation en Médecine (1980) et en Neurosciences (1983) aux Universités de Genève et de Fribourg en Suisse.
De 1984 à 1992, Patrick Aebischer a travaillé à Brown University (USA) au sein du Département des Neurosciences et au Département des Biomatériaux et des Organes Artificiels en tant que Professeur assistant, puis Professeur associé.
En 1992, Patrick Aebischer a été nommé Professeur de la Division Autonome de Recherche Chirurgicale et du Centre de Thérapie Génique (DARC) au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) à Lausanne.
En 1999, Le Conseil Fédéral a nommé Patrick Aebischer en tant que Président de l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Il a pris ses fonctions à la Présidence de lEPFL en mars 2000, position qu'il a occupée jusqu'au 31 décembre 2016.
Patrick Aebischer est membre de maintes sociétés professionnelles, tant en Europe quaux Etats-Unis.
Patrick Aebischer a fondé trois start-up de biotechnologies. Il siège au conseil d'administration de Lonza, de Logitech et de Nestlé. Il préside également l'advisory board du Novartis Venture Fund. Patrick Aebischer est membre du conseil de fondation du Festival de Jazz de Montreux, du Festival de Verbier et de la Fondation Jacobs.
Les recherches quil poursuit actuellement dans son laboratoire se concentrent sur le développement d'approches de thérapie cellulaire et de transfert génique pour le traitement des maladies neurodégénératives.
Solaiman Shokur2019 - now : Senior Scientist, Translational neuroengineering Laboratory, EPFL(Geneva)
Team leader: CHRONOS project, a multi-center European project that aims at developing the first chronically implanted prosthetic hand for transradial amputee patients with bidirectional communication capabilities. NCCR Robotics: Bi-directional control of supernumerary limbs.2014-2019: Research Coordinator, AASDAP (São Paulo, Brazil) Responsible for both the scientific production and the clinical protocol at the AASDAP neurorehabilitation laboratory.
2013-2014: Postdoctoral associate, Walk again project, Insituto Santos Dumond. (Natal, RN, Brazil)Head of the engineering team in charge of the system integration. 2010-2012: Visiting scientist, Nicolelis Lab (Duke University).
Development and validation of a virtual-reality based brain-machine interface for rhesus monkeys.
2007 – 2010: Teaching assistant, Laboratory of Robotics Systems (EPFL)
Carl PetersenCarl Petersen studied physics as a bachelor student in Oxford (1989-1992). During his PhD studies under the supervision of Prof. Sir Michael Berridge in Cambridge (1992-1996), he investigated cellular and molecular mechanisms of calcium signalling. In his first postdoctoral period (1996-1998), he joined the laboratory of Prof. Roger Nicoll at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) to investigate synaptic transmission and plasticity in the hippocampus. During a second postdoctoral period, in the laboratory of Prof. Bert Sakmann at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg (1999-2003), he began working on the primary somatosensory barrel cortex, investigating cortical circuits and sensory processing. Carl Petersen joined the Brain Mind Institute of the Faculty of Life Sciences at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in 2003, setting up the Laboratory of Sensory Processing to investigate the functional operation of neuronal circuits in awake mice during quantified behavior. In 2019, Carl Petersen became the Director of the EPFL Brain Mind Institute, with the goal to promote quantitative multidisciplinary research into neural structure, function, dysfunction, computation and therapy through technological advances.
Maria Giulia PretiMaria Giulia Preti received her Ph.D. in Bioengineering at Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy) in 2013, after her M. Sc. (2009) and B. Sc. (2007) in Biomedical Engineering, as well at Politecnico di Milano. During her Ph.D., mentored by Prof. Giuseppe Baselli, she focused on advanced techniques of brain magnetic resonance imaging, in particular she developed a method of groupwise fMRI-guided tractography, that revealed to be useful in the in-vivo investigation of the pathophysiological changes across the evolution of Alzheimers disease. For this project, she had been collaborating full-time with the hospital Fondazione Don Gnocchi in Milan (Magnetic Resonance Laboratory). In 2011, she was awarded a Progetto Rocca fellowship from MIT-Italy and spent a visiting research period at the MIT and Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA), under the supervision of Prof. Nikos Makris, where she could focus on the anatomical study of specific neruonal bundles.
She has joined Prof. Van De Ville group at EPFL as a post-doc in 2013. Her current research aims at understanding the connections between brain functionality and brain microscopic anatomy by using advanced techniques of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. In particular, she is working on functional MRI, functional connectivity, diffusion tensor imaging and tractography, integration of MRI with other techniques (e.g. EEG), and the application of these methods to several clinical contexts, e.g., epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment, multiple sclerosis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Hannes BleulerOriginaire de Zollikon (ZH), Hannes Bleuler est né en 1954 au Maroc où il passa son enfance. Après la maturité latine a Zürich, il entre au Département d'électricité à l'ETHZ. Il obtient son diplôme en automatique, en 1978, et entre en fonction comme assistant à l'Institut de mécanique de la même école.
Il y participe à l'établissement du groupe de mécatronique et obtient son doctorat dans le domaine des paliers magnétiques actifs, activité qui mène à la fondation d'une compagnie avec des collègues et à un premier séjour de deux ans chez Hitachi au Japon.
De 1991 à 1995, il est d'abord Toshiba Professor of Intelligent Mechatronics à l'institut des sciences industrielles de l'Université de Tokyo et ensuite professeur associé régulier au département de microtechnique à cette même université.
Il y travaille en microtechnique (instrumentation) et robotique. A l'EPFL, ses activités se concentrent sur la robotique biomédicale et l'interface homme-machine (interfaces haptiques) et l'entraînement et la simulation de chirurgie. Il est directeur de la section microtechnique 2008-2009. Il anime les relations et les échanges entre l'EPFL et le Japon sur tous les niveaux et donne un cours (2010) sur l'histoire des sciences au Japon dans le cadre du Collège des Humanités.
Alexandre SchmidAlexandre Schmid received the M.Sc. degree in microengineering and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1994 and 2000, respectively. Since 1994, he has been with the EPFL, working with the Integrated Systems Laboratory as a Research and Teaching Assistant, and with the Electronics Laboratories as a Postdoctoral Fellow. In 2002, he was a Senior Research Associate with the Microelectronic Systems Laboratory, where he has been conducting research in the fields of bioelectronic interfaces and implantable biomedical electronics, nonconventional signal processing and neuromorphic hardware, and reliability of nanoelectronic devices, and also teaches with the Microengineering and Electrical Engineering Departments of EPFL. Since 2011, he is a Maître d'Enseignement et de Recherche (MER) Faculty Member with EPFL. He is a coauthor of two books, Reliability of Nanoscale Circuits and Systems, Methodologies and Circuit Architectures, Springer, 2011, and Wireless Cortical Implantable Systems, Springer, 2013, and a coeditor of one book, as well as over 100 articles published in journals and conferences.
Dr. Schmid has served as the General Chair of the Fourth International Conference on Nano-Networks in 2009 and has been serving as an Associate Editor of the Institute of Electrical, Information, and Communication Engineers Electronics Express since 2009.