Rolf GruetterAwards:
1999 Young Investigator Award Plenary Lectureship
, International Society for Neurochemistry
2011 Fellow
2011 Teaching Award
, Section Sciences de la Vie, EPFL
Georges WagnièresGeorges Wagnières a obtenu son diplôme (MSc) en physique à l'Université de Lausanne, Suisse, en 1986. Il a reçu son doctorat ès science (PhD) en physique (Optique Biomédicale) de l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) en 1992, et a effectué un travail de postdoctorat dans les "Wellman Laboratories of Photomedicine" (Harvard Medical School) situés à Boston, MA, USA, en 1993 et 1994. Il a aussi obtenu, en 2001, un "Master in management of technology" délivré par l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) de l'Université de Lausanne et l'EPFL. Depuis 1994, il gère un groupe de recherche de l'EPFL actif dans les domaines suivants: - Caractérisation et détection de lésions cancéreuses par spectroscopie et imagerie de fluorescence ainsi que par imagerie à fort grossissement. - Traitement du cancer ainsi que d'autres pathologies associées à des désordres immunologiques (maladie de Crohn, Colite ulcéreuse) ou vasculaires par thérapie photodynamique (PDT). - Développement préclinique et clinique de photosensibilisateurs, de marqueurs fluorescents et d'instruments optiques pour le photodiagnostic. - Traitement de diverses pathologies, y compris les maladies neuro-dégénératives (Parkinson, Alzheimer), par photobiomodulation. - Monitorage de la dose optique pour la PDT basée sur l'imagerie de fluorescence de photosensibilisateurs. - Induction de l'extravasation d'agent chimiothérapeutiques par PDT. - Mesure in vivo de la concentration d'oxygène dans des tissus biologiques par spectroscopie et imagerie optiques résolues en temps. - Monitorage d'un traitement au laser de la rétine par imagerie de reflectance. - Développement de distributeurs de lumière pour des applications biomédicales. - Dosimétrie de lumière / Radiométrie. - Spectroscopie et imagerie en optique biomédicale. Georges Wagnières est aussi co-fondateur et a présidé une société "spin-off" de l'EPFL: - Medlight SA, fondée en 1997, qui développe, produit et commercialise des distributeurs de lumière pour la thérapie photodynamique. Georges Wagnières est l'auteur et co-auteur de plus de 235 articles scientifiques dont 150 ont été publiés dans des revues internationales ayant un comité de relecture (review board). De plus, il est inventeur de 18 brevets. Finalement, il supervise ou a supervisé 12 doctorants et enseigne actuellement à l'EPFL l'optique biomédicale et la photomédecine au niveaux "master". Ces cours sont aussi donnés à l'Ecole doctorale (EDCH, EDSV) de l'EPFL. Finalement, il donne le cours intitulé "Physique Générale I" aux biologistes de première année inscrits à l'Ecole de Biologie de l'Université de Lausanne. PUBLICATIONS PRINCIPALES: SVP visiter: Lijing XinLijing Xin is a research staff scientist and 7T MR Operational Manager at the Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. Her research interests focus on developing cutting-edge magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging methods for better understanding the brain function and the pathophysiology of neurological diseases. Her journey on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) started from her master project during 2002-2005, where she developed a gradient unit with eddy current compensation and a pulse sequence generator for MRI spectrometer, which enhanced her knowledge in MR instrumentation. Later, she obtained her PhD in physics from Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in 2010, where she focused on developing various novel 1H and 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) acquisition and quantification methods as well as RF coils on high field preclinical MR scanners. Afterwards, she started working on the clinical MR platforms including both 3 and 7T and continued to improve and develop novel acquisition and quantification methods for 1H, 13C and 31P nuclei. She carries on interdisciplinary collaborations with different partners, particularly with clinical partners where translational strategies are performed to explore the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders and disease biomarkers for early diagnose and intervention.
Cristina Ramona CudalbuCristina Cudalbu obtained her Bachelors of Science degree in Medical Physics in 2002 and Masters of Science degree in Biophysics and Medical Physics in 2003, both from University Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In 2006 she obtained her PhD degree in Localized Proton MRS and time domain quantification of cerebral metabolites at 7T and 4.7T at University Lyon 1, RMN Laboratory, Villeurbanne, France.In 2007, she joined, as a Scientist, the Laboratory for Functional and Metabolic Imaging at EPFL, where she implemented new acquisition and quantification techniques for in vivo nitrogen, proton and carbon MRS for preclinical studies. Starting 2012, Cristina Cudalbu was appointed as Research Staff Scientist and 9.4T MRI Operational Manager at Centre d’Imagerie Biomédicale (CIBM) at EPFL. She is now developing new research lines at CIBM, being oriented towards new acquisition and quantification techniques for in vivo proton, phosphorous, carbon, nitrogen MRS and fast MRSI, diffusion weighted spectroscopy and brain macromolecules quantification. She is now applying these developments on chronic hepatic encephalopathy, a research area that she developed at CIBM (, and on different collaborative projects with researchers from the five partner institutions of CIBM. Mor-Miri MishkovskyI am a chemist, graduated Cum Laude in 2002 from Tel Aviv University in Israel. I obtained a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel on the development of new technology for rapid detection of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic data aiming at reducing the measurement time from hour to a fraction of seconds. My thesis “Methodological Developments in Ultrafast Multidimensional NMR” granted me the Auto Swartz excellence award in 2007. Since 2009 I am working with the Laboratory of Functional and Metabolic Imaging at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, on the development of hyperpolarized (HP) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) methodologies for monitoring biochemical processes in real-time.My research is focused on the development of Magnetic Resonance (MR) Molecular Imaging by dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (dDNP). HP agents to interrogate biochemical processes in real-time are applied in vivo in the healthy brain and disease models, aiming at improving our understanding of cerebral function and metabolism toward better clinical diagnostics and therapy.