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Personnes associées (174)
Auke Ijspeert
Auke Ijspeert is a full professor at the EPFL, and head of the Biorobotics Laboratory (BioRob). He has a B.Sc./M.Sc. in physics from the EPFL (1995), and a PhD in artificial intelligence from the University of Edinburgh (1999). He carried out postdocs at IDSIA and EPFL, and at the University of Southern California (USC). He then became a research assistant professor at USC, and an external collaborator at ATR (Advanced Telecommunications Research institute) in Japan. In 2002, he came back to the EPFL as an SNF assistant professor. He was promoted to associate professor in October 2009 and to full professor in April 2016. His primary affiliation is with the Institute of Bioengineering, and secondary affiliation with the Institute of Mechanical Engineering. His research interests are at the intersection between robotics, computational neuroscience, nonlinear dynamical systems, and machine learning. He is interested in using numerical simulations and robots to get a better understanding of sensorimotor coordination in animals, and in using inspiration from biology to design novel types of robots and adaptive controllers.  (see for instance Ijspeert et al Science 2007, Ijspeert Science 2014, and Nyakatura et al Nature 2019). He is also investigating how to assist people with limited mobility using exoskeletons and assistive furniture. He is regularly invited to give talks on these topics (e.g. TED talk given at TED Global Geneva, Dec 8 2015). With his colleagues, he has received paper awards at ICRA2002, CLAWAR2005, IEEE Humanoids 2007, IEEE ROMAN 2014, CLAWAR 2015, SAB2018, and CLAWAR 2019.  He is an IEEE Fellow, member of the Board of Reviewing Editors of Science magazine, and associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics and for the International Journal of Humanoid Robotics. He has acted as an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Robotics (2009-2013) and for Soft Robotics (2018-2021). He was a guest editor for the Proceedings of IEEE,  IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Autonomous Robots, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, and Biological Cybernetics. He has been the organizer of 7 international conferences (BioADIT2004, SAB2004, AMAM2005, BioADIT2006, LATSIS2006, SSRR2016, AMAM2019), and a program committee member of over 50 conferences.
Nikolaos Stergiopulos
Education MTE, Managing the Technology Enterprise Program (2000), IMD, Lausanne Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering & Engineering Mechanics (1990) Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. MS in Biomedical Engineering (1987) Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (1985) National Technical University of Athens. Professional Activities 2002 - present: Professor and director of LHTC 2010 - present: Founder and director of Rheon Medical SA, Préverenges, Switzerland 2008 - present: Founder and director of Antlia S.A., PSE-C, EPFL campus, Switzerland 1998 - 2007: Founder and Scientific Director of EndoArt S.A., Lausanne, Switzerland 1996 - 2002: Assistant professor at the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland. 1991 - 1996: Research Associate at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Lausanne 1990 - 1991: Lecturer, Iowa State University
Denis Duboule
Denis Duboule est né en 1955. De Nationalités Suisse et Française, il étudie la biologie à l’Université de Genève où il reçoit un PhD dans le domaine de l’embryologie des mammifères en 1984. Il passe ensuite 10 ans à l’étranger, d’abord comme post-doc et group leader à la faculté de Médecine de Strasbourg (CNRS), puis au Laboratoire Européen de Biologie Moléculaire, à Heidelberg (Allemagne). En 1993, il est nommé Professeur ordinaire à l’Université de Genève, où il dirige le département de Génétique et Evolution depuis 1997. En 2001 il prend la direction du pôle d’excellence NCCR ‘aux Frontières de la Génétique’ et celle de la division médecine-Biologie du FNS en 2012. En 2006, il est nommé Professeur ordinaire à l’EPFL, Lausanne, où il dirige le laboratoire de Génomique du Développement (UpDUB). Ses activités de recherche s’exercent dans le domaine de l’embryologie, de la génétique et de la génomique du développement des mammifères, dans le contexte général de l’Evolution des structures et des organes. En particulier, son laboratoire a été associé à de nombreuses recherches dans le domaine de l’analyse structurelle et fonctionnelle des gènes architectes (Hox) et de leur régulation transcriptionnelle pendant le développement précoce. Denis Duboule est également actif dans le domaine de la communication de la science. Il est membre de l’Academia Europea ainsi que d’autres académies. Il est également membre de l’Institut de France (Académie des Sciences), de la Société Royale (UK) et de l’Académie des Sciences Américaine (NAS). Il a reçu plusieurs prix et distinction, notamment le Prix Marcel Benoist, le Prix Louis-Jeantet de Médecine en 1998 et le Prix international de l’INSERM en 2010. Voir également https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denis_Duboule.