
Symmetry in Geometry

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DEMO: nisi ea aute
Ea ullamco et do cillum magna Lorem labore sint dolor mollit minim laborum consectetur. Excepteur sunt ad commodo dolor. Sint duis amet ullamco proident nisi culpa nulla tempor consequat aliqua reprehenderit anim nostrud. Ipsum cupidatat consequat incididunt adipisicing aute reprehenderit cillum dolore laboris. Occaecat tempor velit nostrud minim fugiat duis do adipisicing consequat in cillum qui dolor. Aliquip deserunt non nulla pariatur occaecat qui.
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This lecture introduces a new course organization, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a dedicated time for geometry in the weekly schedule. The instructor encourages students to take advantage of the resources offered by EPFL, including additional tutoring sessions. The lecture delves into the concept of modern symmetry, contrasting it with ancient geometry and highlighting its cultural significance. Through a series of videos, students will explore various isometries, focusing on axial reflection as the foundational element. By the end of the semester, students will apply their knowledge of modern symmetry to analyze regular polyhedra in space, preparing them for future topics on symmetries in regular polygons and decorative architectural friezes.

et cillum
Pariatur consequat laboris commodo pariatur id labore qui. Velit irure anim mollit labore adipisicing sint culpa culpa labore sint id incididunt excepteur. Mollit commodo aliquip laboris nisi esse occaecat occaecat aliqua est. Adipisicing veniam irure dolor veniam aliqua commodo ad minim commodo officia voluptate sit tempor aliquip. Culpa consequat commodo id irure commodo ipsum irure duis officia duis ipsum reprehenderit cupidatat officia. Officia fugiat laborum duis esse quis irure ea occaecat nulla. Cupidatat nostrud eiusmod Lorem veniam sint elit est aliqua officia officia.
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