
Quantum Field Theory: Poincaré Group

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This lecture covers the concepts of Einsteinian relativity and the Poincaré Group, focusing on changes of coordinates preserving the group structure. It delves into the Lorentz group, Lorentz Lie Algebra, and Lorentz boosts, emphasizing the importance of proper and non-orthochronous components. The lecture also discusses the Lorentz Lie Algebra simplification and the commutation relations within the group. Furthermore, it explores the finite group formations and the complexification of Lie Algebras, providing insights into Lie parameters and representations.

Instructors (2)
laboris consequat
Culpa enim in nostrud ex duis commodo duis do. Reprehenderit sit sint exercitation proident mollit qui. Cupidatat dolor proident ut nisi elit nostrud eu ad occaecat pariatur aliquip sit.
occaecat incididunt officia ex
Amet excepteur sunt deserunt pariatur pariatur irure proident eiusmod nulla adipisicing duis irure. Amet aute ea dolore labore. Labore laboris aliquip nisi deserunt ex proident laborum qui in quis.
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