
Green Functions: Dynamics

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Consectetur adipisicing laborum deserunt consectetur exercitation. Nostrud pariatur nisi ipsum tempor eiusmod minim sunt veniam incididunt. Consectetur ut laborum elit cupidatat occaecat do laborum amet aute eu amet consectetur non proident. Magna tempor cupidatat anim incididunt ut et nulla commodo eiusmod. Aliquip incididunt quis cupidatat pariatur ad dolore elit.
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This lecture covers the solution of Maxwell equations using advanced and retarded Green functions, focusing on electrostatics with general boundary conditions and Fourier transform in time. The instructor explains the concept of Green functions, their application in solving Maxwell equations, and how to fix the parameters A and B. The lecture progresses to discuss the advanced Green function, its properties, and its role in electrodynamic systems. The content also delves into the spherical symmetry and the solutions provided by the Green functions.

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