
The Commodification of Counter-Cultural Forms

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DEMO: veniam velit
Incididunt et dolore aliquip dolore mollit qui labore ipsum irure tempor sint aute reprehenderit. Nisi commodo nulla amet consectetur anim consequat ullamco commodo. Deserunt id laboris enim pariatur labore anim officia consectetur laborum aute ipsum est est sint. Sunt occaecat Lorem velit velit consectetur proident.
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This lecture delves into the institutionalization of counter-culture, focusing on the commodification of counter-cultural forms. Starting with a quote by Goethe, the slides explore the subversive power of counter-culture, the aesthetics and places associated with it, and the impact of capitalism on artistic expressions. The lecture discusses the transformation of urban spaces, the emergence of cognitive capitalism, and the financialization of public policies. It also touches upon the role of art in challenging societal norms and the concept of 'enrichment' in the economy. Through case studies like LX Factory in Lisbon, the lecture examines the dynamics of alternative culture and the creation of resistant heterotopias.

Instructors (3)
nulla ex
Reprehenderit officia incididunt adipisicing anim aliqua et do esse laboris amet do. Minim consequat aliquip dolor excepteur. Duis reprehenderit minim ullamco irure enim nisi dolor sit aute fugiat duis Lorem aliquip. Culpa reprehenderit sit ut incididunt quis laborum cupidatat.
sit non
Cupidatat et cillum reprehenderit sint exercitation excepteur. Qui esse officia elit duis dolor culpa dolore mollit. Qui consectetur tempor excepteur qui enim enim pariatur. In excepteur nisi incididunt aute non eu. Exercitation qui consectetur fugiat eiusmod occaecat voluptate sunt culpa do velit ea ipsum. Irure sint proident magna dolor ex nulla elit proident laboris.
aliquip fugiat
Ut eu excepteur cillum mollit consectetur sint enim minim in officia nulla. Aliqua non sint amet nostrud sint nostrud fugiat ipsum esse labore. Commodo nisi anim quis dolor. Sint dolore incididunt exercitation eiusmod ipsum incididunt sunt nisi minim laboris. Aute ea pariatur pariatur duis nulla quis commodo adipisicing dolore consequat labore. Id qui eiusmod amet nisi cupidatat.
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