
Bruno Ricardo Da Cunha Magalhães

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Related publications (4)

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Efficient Distributed Transposition Of Large-Scale Multigraphs And High-Cardinality Sparse Matrices

Felix Schürmann, Bruno Ricardo Da Cunha Magalhães

Graph-based representations underlie a wide range of scientific problems. Graph connectivity is typically represented as a sparse matrix in the Compressed Sparse Row format. Large-scale graphs rely on distributed storage, allocating distinct subsets of row ...

Fully-Asynchronous Fully-Implicit Variable-Order Variable-Timestep Simulation of Neural Networks

Felix Schürmann, Michael Lee Hines, Bruno Ricardo Da Cunha Magalhães

State-of-the-art simulations of detailed neurons follow the Bulk Synchronous Parallel execution model. Execution is divided in equidistant communication intervals, with parallel neurons interpolation and collective communication guiding synchronization. Su ...

Asynchronous Simulation of Neuronal Activity

Bruno Ricardo Da Cunha Magalhães

Simulations of the electrical activity of networks of morphologically-detailed neuron models allow for a better understanding of the brain. Short time to solution is critical in order to study long biological processes such as synaptic plasticity and learn ...
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