Polyethylene block-copolymer films containing negative anhydride groups were used to immobilize TiO2, Fe2O3, and Fe3+ photocatalysts. The kinetics of the mineralization of azo-dye Orange II and chlorophenols on copolymer−TiO2, copolymer−Fe2O3, and copolymer−Fe3+ have been tested under optimized experimental conditions. In the case of copolymer−TiO2, the degradation kinetics for the model organic compounds were about the same as those observed with TiO2 suspensions containing about a 27 times higher amount of TiO2 per unit volume. The surface of the derivatized copolymer semiconductor catalysts was studied by infrared attenuated total reflection spectroscopy. The spectroscopic data provided evidence for a TiO2 interaction with the negatively charged conjugated carboxylic groups of the copolymer, leading to an asymmetric-stretching band of −COO−Ti4+ at the position expected for metal carboxylates. In the case of Fe2O3 and Fe3+, the asymmetric-stretching carboxylate bands are ascribed to the carboxylate bands of −COO−Fe2O3 and −COOO−Fe3+. Evidence is presented by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy for the existence of two oxidation states of Ti and Fe after the photocatalytic degradation of Orange II. This observation is consistent with light-induced interfacial charge transfer (redox processes) taking place at the metal−oxide copolymer surface. The nature of the latter processes is presented in detail during this study.
Mário Alexandre De Jesus Garrido, Mateus De Assunção Hofmann
Woongbae Lee, Yun Ho Lee, Jaedon Shin