In this study, we calculated the night-noise mean (SonBase 2014, compatible with the EU Environmental Noise Directive) for the 5 classes obtained after computation of Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA; Anselin et al 1995) on the BMI of the participants in the Bus Santé study, a cohort managed by the Geneva University Hospitals (N=15’544; Guessous et al 2014). We expected the mean of dBs to be significantly higher in the group showing spatial dependence of high BMI values (high-high class). We ran an ANOVA and multiple T-tests to compare the dB means between LISA clusters. The approach was applied to the participants of the whole State Geneva cohort, and to a reduced set of individuals living in the urban environment of the municipality of Geneva only.
Michaël Unser, Pakshal Narendra Bohra, Alexis Marie Frederic Goujon, Sebastian Jonas Neumayer, Stanislas Ducotterd