The present study aims to reduce the outer radius of the central solenoid (CS) with respect to its nominal size specified by EUROfusion for a maintained CS magnetic flux. A reduced outer CS radius would allow the reduction of the overall size and cost of the DEMO magnet system. The proposed outline design of the winding pack for the CS1 module is based on layer winding. To achieve the same magnetic flux in a CS coil of significantly reduced outer radius the peak magnetic field at the CS conductors needs to be substantially increased. The use of high-temperature superconductors is therefore envisaged in the highest field sections of the CS coil. It is planned to use react & wind Nb3Sn conductors for intermediate field sections and NbTi at the lowest fields. In order to make a most economic use of the superconductors the proposed winding pack design considers a superconductor grading.
Pierluigi Bruzzone, Kamil Sedlák, Nikolay Bykovskiy, Ortensia Dicuonzo
Pierluigi Bruzzone, Kamil Sedlák, Davide Uglietti, Federica Demattè, Rainer Wesche, Roberto Guarino, Mithlesh Kumar, Vincenzo D'Auria, Ortensia Dicuonzo, Chiara Frittitta