High external gas injection rates are foreseen for future devices to reduce divertor heat loads and this can influence pedestal stability. Fusion yield has been estimated to vary as strongly as so an understanding of the underlying pedestal physics in the presence of additional fuelling and seeding is required. To address this, a database scanning plasma triangularity, fuelling and nitrogen seeding rates in neutral beam (NBH) heated ELM-y H-mode plasmas was constructed on TCV. Low nitrogen seeding was observed to increase pedestal top pressure but all other gas injection rates led to a decrease. Lower triangularity discharges were found to be less sensitive to variations in gas injection rates. No clear trend was measured between plasma top P e and stored energy which is attributed to the non-stiffness of core plasma pressure profiles. Peeling ballooning stability analysis put these discharges close to the ideal MHD stability boundary. A constant for D in the relation pedestal width , was not found. Experimentally inferred values of D were used in EPED1 simulations and gave good agreement for pedestal width. Pedestal height agreed well for high triangularity but was overestimated for low triangularity. IPED simulations showed that relative shifts in pedestal position were contributing significantly to the pedestal height and were able to reproduce the measured profiles more accurately.
António João Caeiro Heitor Coelho