A method for rapid quantitative imaging of dopant distribution using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is described. The method is based on SIMS imaging of the cross-section of a reference sample with a known concentration profile. It is demonstrated for the case of boron quantification in silicon in a SIMS imaging mode. A nonlinear relationship between the secondary ion intensity and the concentration is observed. A detection limit of 3 (+/- 2) x 10(17) at./cm(3) (similar to 6 ppm) is determined with 39 nm pixel-size for the used experimental conditions. As an application example, a boron concentration profile in a passivating contact deposited on a textured Si surface is analyzed.
Mathieu Gérard Boccard, Julie Amandine Dreon
Christophe Ballif, Franz-Josef Haug, Mathieu Gérard Boccard