Currently, most Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) is kept safely in storage either at on-site facilities or at centralized interim storage sites. Moreover, many countries face delays in implementing their waste management programmes for SNF and high-level waste disposal. As storage pools approach their capacity, an increasing demand for interim dry-storage solutions is foreseen in the near future and, is associated with emerging regulatory issues. Storage prolongation in interim facilities for time periods far beyond than what originally envisaged, requires license renewal of the facility, as well as of transport and storage casks. At the same time, the safety of SNF operation activities (transportation and handling) at surface encapsulation facilities must be ensured.
In order to evaluate the SNF response under normal or accident scenarios, in different stages of the back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle, it is essential to assess the mechanical properties of fuel rods, as well as their evolution during and after irradiation. Several previous studies have identified mechanisms that could affect such properties during dry-storage. However, data generated from experiments with irradiated SNF are extremely rare. This PhD complements previous studies by generating new data for the structural performance of SNF, in areas where technical gaps have been identified. In particular, the mechanical properties of SNF as function of burnup have been investigated both experimentally and numerically, under quasi-static and dynamic bending loads.
The experimental activities were conducted at the hot-cell facilities of JRC-Karlsruhe and include three-point bending and gravitational impact tests performed at room temperature on pressurized samples from commercially used PWR UO2 rods. Their dynamic response was studied by successfully applying a new Image Analysis methodology developed in this work. Preliminary tests were conducted on surrogate rodlets consisting of fresh and hydrogenated Zircaloy-4 cladding tubes filled with alumina pellets. The results showed that the sampleâs ductility decreases with increasing hydrogen concentration in the cladding.
Five SNF rods, with a wide range of burnup, were selected for the tests on irradiated fuel. High burnup samples showed higher toughness due to irradiation damage on the cladding, and less ductile behavior. Overall, strain rate had marginal influence on ductility for high-burnup samples, whereas for low burnup ones, ductility decreased significantly with strain rate. The flexural mechanical properties of the claddings as function of burnup were derived from the 3-point bending tests using the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory for beam elements with hollow-circular profile. A series of post-test examinations concerning the rod failure processes showed that fuel release in case of rod fracture is very limited, amounting to less than the mass of one pellet.
Finite Element Analysis was performed in order to simulate the experiments and the rodsâ bending behavior under the examined load conditions. An extensive sensitivity analysis was performed to minimize modeling uncertainties and the final model was calibrated against experimental data from the 3-point bending tests. Good agreement was observed between numerically predicted and experimentally derived mechanical properties, and the model can be used to simulate the mechanical behavior of SNF rods under different loading configurations.
Andreas Pautz, Carlo Fiorina, Alessandro Scolaro, Edoardo Luciano Brunetto