The continuous downscaling of microelectronic circuits combined with increasing interest in ferroelectric thin films for non-volatile random access memories (FeRAM) is drawing great attention to small ferroelectric thin film structures. There are various challenges and open questions related to processing and theoretical understanding. The processing must assure damage-free ferroelectric capacitors of reproducible properties. More theoretical understanding is necessary to estimate the impact of size effects on the stability of the ferroelectric polarization, domain configurations, switching properties, and other properties such as the piezoelectric response. Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) is one of the favorite materials for FeRAMs. Today's capacitors are poly-crystalline with sizes in the micron range. Each capacitor is composed of a large number of grains, guaranteeing the averaging of electrical properties. If only a few grains were present, the scattering of properties from one capacitor to another would take place. This can be avoided using oriented single-crystalline capacitors. An important processing issue is patterning. The switchable polarization might be reduced due to etching damage, a frequently reported current fabrication problem. There is also the question of domain configuration - processing relations. The optimal solution of (001) oriented tetragonal PZT cannot be realized in large capacitors because ferroelastic 90° domains form spontaneously upon cooling through the transition temperature and are stabilized for reasons of stress compensation. In this work, we investigated two routes to fabricate small ferroelectric structures: A subtractive route and an additive route. Patterning was done by electron beam lithography (EBL) in order to access the sub 100nm range. Dry etching was done in an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR/RF) reactor working at very low pressures and ion energy. In the subtractive route, the starting point were continuous 50 to 200nm thick Pb(Zr0.4,Ti0.6)O3 films, which were deposited on conductive, Nb-doped SrTiO3 (100) substrates. The films were c-axis oriented with an a-axis fraction of about 20%. The films were patterned by means of EBL. The positive poly-methyl-methacrylate (PMMA) resist was spun on the PZT film, a dot pattern was directly written by the e-beam, and after development a Cr layer was evaporated. The obtained Cr patterns served as a hard mask for PZT dry etching. Features with an aspect ratio of up to 2 could be cut out of a 200nm thick PZT film. We have shown that dry etching in an electron ECR/RF reactor provides damage-free single crystalline sub-200nm features which were still ferroelectric. The smallest features obtained had a lateral size of 80nm. We found that the resolution of the EBL was limited by the backscattering of electrons from the high density PZT layer. Piezoelectric sensitive atomic force microscopy (PAFM) revealed an increase in the piezoelectric response when the feature's aspect ratio was increased. The measured piezoelectric coefficient increased by a factor of more than three compared to the continuous film. Un-clamping was found to account only for a portion of the increase. As major contribution, we suppose a change in the domain configuration from a to c, and unpinning of domains. This hypothesis was supported by local PAFM measurements on the continuous film, where the same behavior was observed, when the film underwent local training cycles just before the measurement using pulses with voltages well above the coercive field. It is also important to investigate non-destructive fabrication processes to reduce the negative impact of interface defects and grain boundaries. This was achieved using an additive route. The fact, that PZT nucleation on Pt surfaces is difficult but easy on TiO2 was used for the site controlled growth of PZT single crystals on patterned 2nm thick TiO2 layers serving as affinity spots. This route was carried out on Pt (111) and (100) surfaces. A 50nm thick Pt layer was epitaxially grown on single crystalline SrTiO3 (111) and MgO (100) substrates, and then covered by a 2nm thick TiO2 layer. On both substrates, the TiO2 was found to be (100) oriented. In this route, EBL was used to pattern the TiO2 layer into seed islands. As only 2nm of TiO2 layer have to be etched, a new type of negative organic mask could be used, which circumvented the lift off process. Direct deposition of Pb(Zr0.4,Ti0.6)O3 on the seed island covered Pt (111) surfaces led to the nucleation of triangular shaped crystals only on the seeds and not elsewhere. The lateral size of the triangles was between 30 and 150nm. The uniform orientation of the triangle's sidelines implies epitaxial growth of the PZT. Applying a 1nm thick PbTiO3 starting layer prior to PZT deposition increased the nucleation density. A 2nm thick PbTiO3 starting layer prior to PZT deposition led to square shaped crystals on small TiO2 seeds implying the growth of (001) PZT. On Pt, triangular crystals were obtained. For this deposition, the squares showed a uniform size distribution, but their in-plane orientation was random. In all cases, the nucleus density was found to be 60 times less on Pt than on the affinity spots. The nucleation controlled character was expressed in an observable depletion layer around larger TiO2 seeds. A theoretical nucleation model was able to well explain this behavior and the relevant parameters such as activation energies of diffusion and desorption could be derived from experiments. On the Pt (100) surface, direct deposition of PZT led to the nucleation of a non-ferroelectric phase on most parts of the substrate. A depletion around TiO2 seeds was again observable. PZT crystals were found exclusively on some TiO2 seeds. PAFM measurements revealed that all PZT crystals obtained by the additive route were ferroelectric. The ferroelectric features have been investigated by means of PAFM. Complex domain structures were identified, the smallest observed domains had diameters of 15nm. The thinnest investigated feature showing ferroelectricity was 6nm thick. An attempt was made to compare experimental findings with the Landau-Devonshire-Ginzburg phenomenological theory. The d33,f loop together with the CV-loop of a 600nm thick, mostly c-oriented film could well be described by the theory. Deviations could be identified as domain wall contributions. The critical thickness for ferroelectricity was estimated using in addition literature data for domain wall energies. The critical thickness was calculated as 1 to 2nm, which does not contradict experimental findings.
Danick Briand, Luis Guillermo Villanueva Torrijo, Morgan Mc Kay Monroe
Danick Briand, Luis Guillermo Villanueva Torrijo, Morgan Mc Kay Monroe