The Provisional Unity for Professor Waszak, part of the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC) at EPFL, focuses on molecular cell biology of development and cancer, as well as basic and translational cancer research. Led by Professor Elisa Oricchio, the unit investigates genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of tumour development, cell-cell interactions in tumour microenvironments, and resistance mechanisms to cancer therapy. They employ genetically engineered mouse models, tumour-on-a-chip and organoid models, and cross-correlative analysis of clinical samples to advance understanding of cancer biology and genetics. The unit collaborates closely with other EPFL institutes, such as the Institute of Bioengineering, and is actively involved in the Swiss Cancer Center Leman (SCCL) to pioneer interdisciplinary cancer research initiatives.
Jacques Fellay, Amalio Telenti, Istvan Bartha
David Hacker, Giovanna Ambrosini, Philipp Bucher, Sanjeev Kumar