Rounding means replacing a number with an approximate value that has a shorter, simpler, or more explicit representation. For example, replacing with, the fraction 312/937 with 1/3, or the expression with .
Rounding is often done to obtain a value that is easier to report and communicate than the original. Rounding can also be important to avoid misleadingly precise reporting of a computed number, measurement, or estimate; for example, a quantity that was computed as but is known to be accurate only to within a few hundred units is usually better stated as "about ".
On the other hand, rounding of exact numbers will introduce some round-off error in the reported result. Rounding is almost unavoidable when reporting many computations – especially when dividing two numbers in integer or fixed-point arithmetic; when computing mathematical functions such as square roots, logarithms, and sines; or when using a floating-point representation with a fixed number of significant digits. In a sequence of calculations, these rounding errors generally accumulate, and in certain ill-conditioned cases they may make the result meaningless.
Accurate rounding of transcendental mathematical functions is difficult because the number of extra digits that need to be calculated to resolve whether to round up or down cannot be known in advance. This problem is known as "the table-maker's dilemma".
Rounding has many similarities to the quantization that occurs when physical quantities must be encoded by numbers or digital signals.
A wavy equals sign (≈: approximately equal to) is sometimes used to indicate rounding of exact numbers, e.g., 9.98 ≈ 10. This sign was introduced by Alfred George Greenhill in 1892.
Ideal characteristics of rounding methods include:
Rounding should be done by a function. This way, when the same input is rounded in different instances, the output is unchanged.
Calculations done with rounding should be close to those done without rounding.
As a result of (1) and (2), the output from rounding should be close to its input, often as close as possible by some metric.
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In computing, a roundoff error, also called rounding error, is the difference between the result produced by a given algorithm using exact arithmetic and the result produced by the same algorithm using finite-precision, rounded arithmetic. Rounding errors are due to inexactness in the representation of real numbers and the arithmetic operations done with them. This is a form of quantization error.
Double-precision floating-point format (sometimes called FP64 or float64) is a floating-point number format, usually occupying 64 bits in computer memory; it represents a wide dynamic range of numeric values by using a floating radix point. Floating point is used to represent fractional values, or when a wider range is needed than is provided by fixed point (of the same bit width), even if at the cost of precision. Double precision may be chosen when the range or precision of single precision would be insufficient.
In mathematics and computer science, the floor function is the function that takes as input a real number x, and gives as output the greatest integer less than or equal to x, denoted ⌊x⌋ or floor(x). Similarly, the ceiling function maps x to the least integer greater than or equal to x, denoted ⌈x⌉ or ceil(x). For example (floor), ⌊2.4⌋ = 2, ⌊−2.4⌋ = −3, and for ceiling; ⌈2.4⌉ = 3, and ⌈−2.4⌉ = −2. Historically, the floor of x has been–and still is–called the integral part or integer part of x, often denoted [x] (as well as a variety of other notations).
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