The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (also known as the NMDA receptor or NMDAR), is a glutamate receptor and ion channel found in neurons. The NMDA receptor is one of three types of ionotropic glutamate receptors, the other two being AMPA and kainate receptors. Depending on its subunit composition, its ligands are glutamate and glycine (or D-serine). However, the binding of the ligands is typically not sufficient to open the channel as it may be blocked by Mg2+ ions which are only removed when the neuron is sufficiently depolarized. Thus, the channel acts as a “coincidence detector” and only once both of these conditions are met, the channel opens and it allows positively charged ions (cations) to flow through the cell membrane. The NMDA receptor is thought to be very important for controlling synaptic plasticity and mediating learning and memory functions. The NMDA receptor is ionotropic, meaning it is a protein which allows the passage of ions through the cell membrane. The NMDA receptor is so named because the agonist molecule N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) binds selectively to it, and not to other glutamate receptors. Activation of NMDA receptors results in the opening of the ion channel that is nonselective to cations, with a combined reversal potential near 0 mV. While the opening and closing of the ion channel is primarily gated by ligand binding, the current flow through the ion channel is voltage-dependent. Specifically located on the receptor, extracellular magnesium (Mg2+) and zinc (Zn2+) ions can bind and prevent other cations from flowing through the open ion channel. A voltage-dependent flow of sodium (Na+), calcium (Ca2+), and potassium (K+) ions into and out of the cell is made possible by the depolarization of the cell, which displaces and repels the Mg2+ and Zn2+ ions from the pore. Ca2+ flux through NMDA receptors in particular is thought to be critical in synaptic plasticity, a cellular mechanism for learning and memory, due to proteins which bind to and are activated by Ca2+ ions.
Christoph Merten, Alexis Louis Autour