Foreign body aspiration occurs when a foreign body enters the airway which can cause difficulty breathing or choking. Objects may reach the respiratory tract and the digestive tract from the mouth and nose, but when an object enters the respiratory tract it is termed aspiration. The foreign body can then become lodged in the trachea or further down the respiratory tract such as in a bronchus. Regardless of the type of object, any aspiration can be a life-threatening situation and requires timely recognition and action to minimize risk of complications. While advances have been made in management of this condition leading to significantly improved clinical outcomes, there were still 2,700 deaths resulting from foreign body aspiration in 2018. Approximately one child dies every five days due to choking on food in the United States, highlighting the need for improvements in education and prevention. Signs and symptoms of foreign body aspiration vary based on the site of obstruction, the size of the foreign body, and the severity of obstruction. 20% of foreign bodies become lodged in the upper airway, while 80% become lodged in a bronchus. Signs of foreign body aspiration are usually abrupt in onset and can involve coughing, choking, and/or wheezing; however, symptoms can be slower in onset if the foreign body does not cause a large degree of obstruction of the airway. With this said, aspiration can also be asymptomatic on rare occasions. Classically, patients present with acute onset of choking. In these cases, the obstruction is classified as a partial or complete obstruction. Signs of partial obstruction include choking with drooling, stridor, and the patient maintains the ability to speak. Signs of complete obstruction include choking with inability to speak or absence of bilateral breath sounds among other signs of respiratory distress such as cyanosis. A fever may be present. When this is the case, it is possible the object may be chemically irritating or contaminated.
Athanasios Nenes, Tamar Kohn, Kalliopi Violaki, Ghislain Gilles Jean-Michel Motos, Aline Laetitia Schaub, Shannon Christa David, Walter Hugentobler
Hubert van den Bergh, Georges Wagnières, Matthieu Philippe Emmanuel Zellweger
Georges Wagnières, Tanja Gabrecht