In mathematics, the theory of fiber bundles with a structure group (a topological group) allows an operation of creating an associated bundle, in which the typical fiber of a bundle changes from to , which are both topological spaces with a group action of . For a fiber bundle F with structure group G, the transition functions of the fiber (i.e., the cocycle) in an overlap of two coordinate systems Uα and Uβ are given as a G-valued function gαβ on Uα∩Uβ. One may then construct a fiber bundle F′ as a new fiber bundle having the same transition functions, but possibly a different fiber.
A simple case comes with the Möbius strip, for which is the cyclic group of order 2, . We can take as any of: the real number line , the interval , the real number line less the point 0, or the two-point set . The action of on these (the non-identity element acting as in each case) is comparable, in an intuitive sense. We could say that more formally in terms of gluing two rectangles and together: what we really need is the data to identify to itself directly at one end, and with the twist over at the other end. This data can be written down as a patching function, with values in G. The associated bundle construction is just the observation that this data does just as well for as for .
In general it is enough to explain the transition from a bundle with fiber , on which acts, to the associated principal bundle (namely the bundle where the fiber is , considered to act by translation on itself). For then we can go from to , via the principal bundle. Details in terms of data for an open covering are given as a case of .
This section is organized as follows. We first introduce the general procedure for producing an associated bundle, with specified fibre, from a given fibre bundle. This then specializes to the case when the specified fibre is a principal homogeneous space for the left action of the group on itself, yielding the associated principal bundle.
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This course is an introduction to the theory of Riemann surfaces. Riemann surfaces naturally appear is mathematics in many different ways: as a result of analytic continuation, as quotients of complex
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In differential geometry, a G-structure on an n-manifold M, for a given structure group G, is a principal G-subbundle of the tangent frame bundle FM (or GL(M)) of M. The notion of G-structures includes various classical structures that can be defined on manifolds, which in some cases are tensor fields. For example, for the orthogonal group, an O(n)-structure defines a Riemannian metric, and for the special linear group an SL(n,R)-structure is the same as a volume form.
In mathematics, a principal homogeneous space, or torsor, for a group G is a homogeneous space X for G in which the stabilizer subgroup of every point is trivial. Equivalently, a principal homogeneous space for a group G is a non-empty set X on which G acts freely and transitively (meaning that, for any x, y in X, there exists a unique g in G such that x·g = y, where · denotes the (right) action of G on X).
In mathematics, a principal bundle is a mathematical object that formalizes some of the essential features of the Cartesian product of a space with a group . In the same way as with the Cartesian product, a principal bundle is equipped with An action of on , analogous to for a product space. A projection onto . For a product space, this is just the projection onto the first factor, . Unlike a product space, principal bundles lack a preferred choice of identity cross-section; they have no preferred analog of .
A toric variety is called fibered if it can be represented as a total space of fibre bundle over toric base and with toric fiber. Fibered toric varieties form a special case of toric variety bundles. In this note we first give an introduction to the class ...
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