Sigma ('sɪgmə; uppercase Σ, lowercase σ, lowercase in word-final position ς; σίγμα) is the eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 200. In general mathematics, uppercase Σ is used as an operator for summation. When used at the end of a letter-case word (one that does not use all caps), the final form (ς) is used. In Ὀδυσσεύς (Odysseus), for example, the two lowercase sigmas (σ) in the center of the name are distinct from the word-final sigma (ς) at the end. The Latin letter S derives from sigma while the Cyrillic letter Es derives from a lunate form of this letter. The shape (Σς) and alphabetic position of sigma is derived from the Phoenician letter (shin). Sigma's original name may have been san, but due to the complicated early history of the Greek epichoric alphabets, san came to be identified as a separate letter in the Greek alphabet, represented as Ϻ. Herodotus reports that "san" was the name given by the Dorians to the same letter called "sigma" by the Ionians. According to one hypothesis, the name "sigma" may continue that of Phoenician samekh (), the letter continued through Greek xi, represented as Ξ. Alternatively, the name may have been a Greek innovation that simply meant 'hissing', from the root of σίζω (sízō, from Proto-Greek *sig-jō 'I hiss'). In handwritten Greek during the Hellenistic period (4th–3rd century BC), the epigraphic form of Σ was simplified into a C-like shape, which has also been found on coins from the 4th century BC onward. This became the universal standard form of sigma during late antiquity and the Middle Ages. Today, it is known as lunate sigma (uppercase Σ, lowercase ς), because of its crescent-like shape, and is still widely used in decorative typefaces in Greece, especially in religious and church contexts, as well as in some modern print editions of classical Greek texts. A dotted lunate sigma (sigma periestigmenon, Ͼ) was used by Aristarchus of Samothrace (220–143 BC) as an editorial sign indicating that the line marked as such is at an incorrect position.
Olivier Schneider, Yiming Li, Mingkui Wang, Chao Wang, Tagir Aushev, Sun Hee Kim, Donghyun Kim, Lei Li
Olivier Schneider, Yiming Li, Mingkui Wang, Chao Wang, Tagir Aushev, Yixing Chen, Sun Hee Kim, Donghyun Kim, Lei Li