In algebra, a graded-commutative ring (also called a skew-commutative ring) is a graded ring that is commutative in the graded sense; that is, homogeneous elements x, y satisfy
where |x | and |y | denote the degrees of x and y.
A commutative (non-graded) ring, with trivial grading, is a basic example. An exterior algebra is an example of a graded-commutative ring that is not commutative in the non-graded sense.
A cup product on cohomology satisfies the skew-commutative relation; hence, a cohomology ring is graded-commutative. In fact, many examples of graded-commutative rings come from algebraic topology and homological algebra.
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We establish the Minimal Model Program for arithmetic threefolds whose residue characteristics are greater than five. In doing this, we generalize the theory of global F-regularity to mixed characteristic and identify certain stable sections of adjoint lin ...
In mathematics, specifically in algebraic topology, the cup product is a method of adjoining two cocycles of degree p and q to form a composite cocycle of degree p + q. This defines an associative (and distributive) graded commutative product operation in cohomology, turning the cohomology of a space X into a graded ring, H∗(X), called the cohomology ring. The cup product was introduced in work of J. W. Alexander, Eduard Čech and Hassler Whitney from 1935–1938, and, in full generality, by Samuel Eilenberg in 1944.
In mathematics, in particular abstract algebra, a graded ring is a ring such that the underlying additive group is a direct sum of abelian groups such that . The index set is usually the set of nonnegative integers or the set of integers, but can be any monoid. The direct sum decomposition is usually referred to as gradation or grading. A graded module is defined similarly (see below for the precise definition). It generalizes graded vector spaces. A graded module that is also a graded ring is called a graded algebra.
In mathematics, specifically in homology theory and algebraic topology, cohomology is a general term for a sequence of abelian groups, usually one associated with a topological space, often defined from a cochain complex. Cohomology can be viewed as a method of assigning richer algebraic invariants to a space than homology. Some versions of cohomology arise by dualizing the construction of homology. In other words, cochains are functions on the group of chains in homology theory.
Singular cohomology is defined by dualizing the singular chain complex for spaces. We will study its basic properties, see how it acquires a multiplicative structure and becomes a graded commutative a
Let h be a connective homology theory. We construct a functorial relative plus construction as a Bousfield localization functor in the category of maps of spaces. It allows us to associate to a pair (X,H), consisting of a connected space X and an hperfect ...
The cotangent complex of a map of commutative rings is a central object in deformation theory. Since the 1990s, it has been generalized to the homotopical setting of E-infinity-ring spectra in various ways. In this work we first establish, in the context o ...