In physics, the term swampland refers to effective low-energy physical theories which are not compatible with quantum gravity. This is in contrast with the so-called "string theory landscape" that are known to be compatible with string theory, which is believed to be a consistent quantum theory of gravity. In other words, the Swampland is the set of consistent-looking theories with no consistent ultraviolet completion with the addition of gravity.
Developments in string theory also suggest that the string theory landscape of false vacua is vast, so it is natural to ask if the landscape is as vast as allowed by anomaly-free effective field theories. The Swampland program aims to delineate the theories of quantum gravity by identifying the universal principles shared among all theories compatible with gravitational UV completion. The program was initiated by Cumrun Vafa who argued that string theory suggests that the Swampland is in fact much larger than the string theory landscape.
Quantum gravity differs from quantum field theory in several key ways, including locality and UV/IR decoupling. In quantum gravity, a local structure of observables is emergent rather than fundamental. A concrete example of the emergence of locality is AdS/CFT, where the local quantum field theory description in bulk is only an approximation that emerges within certain limits of the theory. Moreover, in quantum gravity, it is believed that different spacetime topologies can contribute to the gravitational path integral, which suggests that spacetime emerges due to one saddle being more dominant. Moreover, in quantum gravity, UV and IR are closely related. This connection is manifested in black hole thermodynamics, where a semiclassical IR theory calculates the black hole entropy, which captures the density of gravitational UV states known as black holes. In addition to general arguments based on black hole physics, developments in string theory also suggests that there are universal principles shared among all the theories in the string landscape.
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