MATH-351: Advanced numerical analysis IIThe student will learn state-of-the-art algorithms for solving differential equations. The analysis and implementation of these algorithms will be discussed in some detail.
ME-427: Networked control systemsThis course offers an introduction to control systems using communication networks for interfacing sensors, actuators, controllers, and processes. Challenges due to network non-idealities and opportun
MATH-251(a): Numerical analysisThis course presents numerical methods for the solution of mathematical problems such as systems of linear and non-linear equations, functions approximation, integration and differentiation, and diffe
ME-523: Nonlinear Control SystemsLes systèmes non linéaires sont analysés en vue d'établir des lois de commande. On présente la stabilité au sens de Lyapunov, ainsi que des méthodes de commande géométrique (linéarisation exacte). Div
EE-202(b): Electronics IDécouvrir le monde de l'électronique depuis les lois fondamentales des composants discrets linéaires et non linéaires. Les circuits obtenus avec des assemblages de composants nécessitent de nombreuses
MGT-499: Statistics and data scienceThis class provides a hands-on introduction to statistics and data science, with a focus on causal inference, applications to sustainability issues using Python, and dissemination of scientific result