International migration occurs when people cross state boundaries and stay in the host state for some minimum length of the time. Migration occurs for many reasons. Many people leave their home countries in order to look for economic opportunities in another country. Others migrate to be with family members who have migrated or because of political conditions in their countries. Education is another reason for international migration, as students pursue their studies abroad, although this migration is often temporary, with a return to the home country after the studies are completed. While there are several different potential systems for categorising international migrants, one system organizes them into nine groups: temporary labor migrants irregular, illegal, or undocumented migrants highly skilled and business migrants refugees asylum seekers forced migration family members return migrants long-term, low-skilled migrants These migrants can also be divided into two large groups, permanent and temporary. Permanent migrants intend to establish their permanent residence in a new country and possibly obtain that country's citizenship. Temporary migrants intend only to stay for a limited periods of time, perhaps until the end of a particular program of study or for the duration of a their work contract or a certain work season. Both types of migrants have a significant effect on the economies and societies of the chosen destination country and the country of origin. Countries which receive migrants have been grouped by academics into four categories: traditional settlement countries, European countries which encouraged labour migration after World War II, European countries which receive a significant portion of their immigrant populations from their former colonies, and countries which formerly were points of emigration but have recently emerged as immigrant destinations. These countries are grouped according to a dichotomy, either migrant-sending or migrant-receiving countries, which have distinct governance issues.
Gaétan Jean A de Rassenfosse, Gabriele Pellegrino