Explores the design of engineering works for floods, focusing on 100-year flood determination and the collapse of levees during extreme events.
Explores magnetic moments, spin, and quantum descriptions using Pauli matrices and Stern-Gerlach experiments.
Explores integrated risk management, disaster costs, mitigation, and crisis management, analyzing the impact of disasters and the distribution of costs.
Explores extreme events in the context of climate change, defining extreme weather events and their occurrence above threshold values.
Delves into the carbon cycle, CO2 storage, volcanic emissions, human impact, and nature-inspired solutions for reducing emissions.
Explores the botanical features, wood chemistry, properties, and uses of Abies Alba, focusing on its unique characteristics and mechanical properties.
Explores the relationship between modern architecture and climate science, focusing on optimizing the built environment for climatic conditions.
Explores extreme events, emission metrics, and the Paris Agreement's goals, analyzing the impact of different metrics on temperature outcomes and the challenges in defining extreme events.