DH-404: Cultural data sculptingThis course will engage novel approaches for visualizing and interacting with cultural heritage archives in immersive virtual environments.
MICRO-725: Advanced PhotonicsThe course offers an overview on selected advanced photonics topics. It targets students with a broad photonics background or equivalent, who are willing to broaden their knowledge in the discipline.
DH-414: Game design & prototypingThis course aims to present and discuss various game design methodologies that can be used to analyze and create projects based on interactivity and player engagement. It gives students the opportunit
PENS-211: Terra EpidermisCe projet transversal vise à expérimenter autour d'un cas d'étude choisi, les spécificités de « l'envers du sol ». Sur un site choisi, les étudiants seront invités à proposer un geste technique et arc
AR-480: UE X : Experience designExperience Design examines the effects of digitalization on architectural typologies in the contemporary city. The course questions traditional typologies by focusing on an understanding and re-design
MGT-466: Negotiation techniquesThis course is designed to give you a practical, hands-on opportunity to learn the basics of negotiating, self leadership and the impact of culture. Strategies and techniques are presented and practic
AR-301(aj): Studio BA5 (Baumgartner et Camponovo)STAY A LITTLE LONGER étudie les potentialités du bâti existant. Les outils de représentation du projet de transformation -Existant/Noir, Démolition/Jaune, Nouveau/Rouge- structureront l'exploration ar
AR-401(aj): Studio MA1 (Baumgartner et Camponovo)STAY A LITTLE LONGER étudie les potentialités du bâti existant. Les outils de représentation du projet de transformation -Existant/Noir, Démolition/Jaune, Nouveau/Rouge- structureront l'exploration ar
CS-213: Human computer interactionLa discipline de l'Interaction Homme-Machine (ou HCI : Human-Computer Interaction) vise à systématiquement placer le facteur humain dans la conception de systèmes interactifs.
MGT-469: Intercultural presentation skillsIn this course students learn how make an effective presentation, structure and organize information, develop storytelling techniques, empathise with and engage diverse audiences, use visual support m