Algebraic graph theory is a branch of mathematics in which algebraic methods are applied to problems about graphs. This is in contrast to geometric, combinatoric, or algorithmic approaches. There are three main branches of algebraic graph theory, involving the use of linear algebra, the use of group theory, and the study of graph invariants. The first branch of algebraic graph theory involves the study of graphs in connection with linear algebra. Especially, it studies the spectrum of the adjacency matrix, or the Laplacian matrix of a graph (this part of algebraic graph theory is also called spectral graph theory). For the Petersen graph, for example, the spectrum of the adjacency matrix is (−2, −2, −2, −2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3). Several theorems relate properties of the spectrum to other graph properties. As a simple example, a connected graph with diameter D will have at least D+1 distinct values in its spectrum. Aspects of graph spectra have been used in analysing the synchronizability of networks. The second branch of algebraic graph theory involves the study of graphs in connection to group theory, particularly automorphism groups and geometric group theory. The focus is placed on various families of graphs based on symmetry (such as symmetric graphs, vertex-transitive graphs, edge-transitive graphs, distance-transitive graphs, distance-regular graphs, and strongly regular graphs), and on the inclusion relationships between these families. Certain of such categories of graphs are sparse enough that lists of graphs can be drawn up. By Frucht's theorem, all groups can be represented as the automorphism group of a connected graph (indeed, of a cubic graph). Another connection with group theory is that, given any group, symmetrical graphs known as Cayley graphs can be generated, and these have properties related to the structure of the group. This second branch of algebraic graph theory is related to the first, since the symmetry properties of a graph are reflected in its spectrum.
Nathanaël Perraudin, Andreas Loukas, Karolis Martinkus