Maryna ViazovskaMaryna Viazovska did her bachelor studies at the Kyiv National Taras ShevchenkoUniversity and completed her MSc at the Technical University Kaiserslautern.She obtained her PhD in 2013 in Bonn.She was a postdoctoral researcher at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiquesand at the Humboldt University of Berlin, and in 2017 was a Minerva DistinguishedVisitor at Princeton University. She joined EPFL in 2017 as Tenure-Track AssistantProfessor and was promoted Full Professor in 2018.
Eva Bayer FluckigerEtudes a l'Université de Genève. Apres son diplôme de mathématicien obtenu en 1975, elle prépare sa thèse de doctorat sous la direction du professeur Michel Kervaire, thèse soutenue en 1978. Après plusieurs séjours postdoctoraux en Allemagne, France et les Etats-Unis, elle entre au CNRS en 1987. En 2001, elle est nommée professeure ordinaire a l'EPFL.
Eva Bayer Fluckiger a eu une bourse de la Fondation Alexander von Humboldt en 1980, elle a reçu le prix Vacheron Constantin en 1983, le prix Maria Sybilla Merian en 2001. Elle a effectué des séjours de recherche à l'Institute for Advanced Study,Princeton, au Max-Planck Institute für Mathematik, à Bonn, ainsi qu'au Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, à Berkeley. Elle a été membre du comité exécutif de la Société Mathématique Européenne, fait partie de plusieurs comités de l'Union Européenne et de la Fondation Européenne pour la Science, ainsi que membre de comités scientifiques d'instituts de recherche, de comités d'évaluation, etc. Elle a aussi été membre (et parfois présidente) de plusieurs comités scientifiques de congrès internationaux.
Eva Bayer Fluckiger est éditrice de cinq revues internationales de mathématiques. Ses domaines de recherche sont la théorie algébrique des nombres, la cohomologie galoisienne des groupes algébriques, les formes quadratiques, hermitiennes, et algèbres à involution, la théorie des noeuds, ainsi que l'application de l'algèbre et de la théorie des nombres aux codes algébriques.
Nicolas GrandjeanNicolas Grandjean received a PhD degree in physics from the University ofNice Sophia Antipolis in 1994 and shortly thereafter joined the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) as a permanent staff member. In 2004, he was appointed tenure-track assistant professor at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) where he created the Laboratory for advanced semiconductors for photonics and electronics. He was promoted to full professor in 2009. He was the director of the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics from 2012 to 2016 and then moved to the University of California at Santa Barbara where he spent 6 months as a visiting professor. Since 2018, he is the head of the School of Physics at the EPFL. He was awarded the Sandoz Family Foundation Grant for Academic Promotion, received the “Nakamura Lecturer” Award in 2010, the "Quantum Devices Award” at the 2017 Compound Semiconductor Week, and “2016 best teacher” award from the EPFL Physics School. His research interests are focused on the physics of nanostructures and III-V nitride semiconductor quantum photonics.
Marc IlegemsMarc Ilegems obtained degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Brussels in 1965 and a doctorate in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1970. From 1969 to 1977 he was a Member of Technical Staff at the Solid State Electronics Research Laboratory, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill. He joined the Ecole Polytechnique Federale (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Lausanne in October 1977 as Professor and Director of the new Interdepartmental Institute of Microelectronics (1977-1983) and subsequently as Director of the Institute of Micro- and Optoelectronics (1983-2000) and of the Semiconductor Device Physics Laboratory (1983-2005).
Prof. Ilegems served as Dean of the Department of Physics from 1998 to 2000, and as Director of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) in Quantum Photonics (2001-2005), the Swiss Priority Program OPTICS (1993-1999) and the Swiss National Program on Micro- and Optoelectronics (1983-90). He is a member of the Scientific Council and has acted as expert and consultant for several national and European research organizations.
His current activities include technical and patent consulting for private organizations, contributions to the definition and management of research programs in the framework of bilateral collaborations between Poland, Hungary and Switzerland (2011-2017), and participation as member of various ICT and FET review panels within the Horizon 2020 programme.
Prof. Ilegems received an honorary doctorate from the University of Toulouse (1998) and the Heinrich Welker Award from the Compound Semiconductor Symposium (2006) for his contributions to III-V semiconductor materials and device research.
The research activities of the Semiconductor Device Physics Laboratory centred on the physics and technology of semiconductor devices. The main subjects of interest included quantum photonics (semiconductor microcavities, light emitting diodes, lasers and detectors), wide bandgap semiconductor nitrides, physics of nano and low-dimensional structures, high electron mobility transistors, crystal growth and materials technology. The research programs were carried out in close collaboration with numerous academic and industrial groups in Switzerland and abroad, in particular within the framework of programs of the European Community.
Earlier research topics pursued at Bell Laboratories and at EPFL include Molecular Beam Epitaxy and doping of GaAs and AlGaAs thin films with applications to heterostructure lasers, detectors, and Bragg mirrors, hydride vapor phase epitaxy and physical characterization of GaN on sapphire, liquid-solid phase diagrams of ternary III-V compound systems, and silicon-based non-volatile memory cells.
Prof. Ilegems is the author or co-author of over 250 scientific publications (citation index h = 48) and 7 book chapters, and has supervised over 30 doctoral students in Lausanne. His academic contacts include stays as invited professor at Stanford University (1994) and at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (2007).
Jean-Pierre HubauxJean-Pierre Hubaux is a full professor at EPFL and head of the Laboratory for Data Security. Through his research, he contributes to laying the foundations and developing the tools for protecting privacy in today’s hyper-connected world. He has pioneered the areas of privacy and security in mobile/wireless networks and in personalized health. He is the academic director of the Center for Digital Trust (C4DT). He leads the Data Protection in Personalized Health (DPPH) project funded by the ETH Council and is a co-chair of the Data Security Work Stream of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH). From 2008 to 2019 he was one of the seven commissioners of the Swiss FCC. He is a Fellow of both IEEE (2008) and ACM (2010). Recent awards: two of his papers obtained distinctions at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy in 2015 and 2018. He is among the most cited researchers in privacy protection and in information security. Spoken languages: French, English, German, Italian
Gérard GremaudGérard Gremaud was born in Fribourg (Switzerland) in 1949. After classical studies at College St Michel in Fribourg, he received his diploma in physics engineering in 1974 and his PhD in 1981 at EPFL. From this date, he became responsible for research at EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne). He is then co-responsible for the Mechanical Spectroscopy Laboratory at the Institute of Physics of Complex Materials. In 2002, he became also chief of the service of physics teaching laboratories and physics classroom demonstrations of EPFL. In 2005, he obtained the title of Professor of EPFL. From 1976, he was teaching in the fields of acoustics, vibrations, metallurgical physics, thermodynamics, dislocation theory, metrology, physics laboratories, and of basic physics (mechanics, thermodynamics and introduction to quantum physics) and physics demonstrations. Since 2012, he is honorary professor of EPFL.
He was active in a variety of research fields : dislocation dynamics, structural phase transitions, mechanical and tribological properties at nanoscale, and mechanical properties of vibrated granular materials (mechanical-spectroscopy). In these fields, he has directed about ten PhD thesis. He is the author of numerous theoretical models which are largely cited. Specialized in acoustical spectroscopy techniques, he developped several original experimental techniques, such as the US-LF coupling technique (representative publications). His publications include about 130 research papers, 13 book chapters, 6 popular publications, 3 books as editor and 2 books as author.
In addition to about 40 invited lectures and conference talks in leading institutions worldwide, he has co-organized several international conferences and summer schools. Member of several scientific societies, he contributes also as referee for numerous scientific journals and several scientific research funding organisations. He was collaborating also during several years to two small companies in Switzerland, as administrator or president.
In 2011, Gérard Gremaud has been awarded the Zener prize and Zener Gold medal. This distinction recognizes important contributions in the field of Materials Science and Physics.