Yves PedrazziniYves Pedrazzini is MER / Senior Scientist in the Laboratory of Urban Sociology (LaSUR), Faculty of Natural, Architectural and Build Environment (ENAC) of the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL). For more than 20 years, he analyses urban dynamics, social practices, urban cultures, violence and insecurity phenomena, in North and South countries. In 1987, he began ethnographical studies of youth armed gangs in Latin-American slums, developing innovative qualitative methods to make them real protagonists of the research process. Since 1997, Yves Pedrazzini added to his urban experience in Latin America (Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Mexico, Venezuela) new expertise of African urban contexts (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Senegal). He published many books and articles on urban violence and Security/insecurity issues, from a sociological and anthropological point of view.
Inès LamunièreProfessor Emeritus
Architect EPFL SIA FAS, and previously Full Professor at EPFL, Inès Lamunière now heads with her partners:
dl-a, designlab-architecture SA, Geneva, Switzerland (https://www.dl-a.ch/).
This internationally known architecture firm has taken over all activities in the domain of urban planning that were previously led at the LAMU-EPFL Laboratory.
The architecture of dl-a, designlab-architecture displays a dedicated commitment to context and sustainability at all levels, transforming these concerns into distinctive and atmospheric buildings. Their projects and buildings have been exhibited (La galerie d’architecture, Paris in 2010, and Istituto Svizzero, Milano in 2019) and widely published (Birkhaüser 1997, 2006, 2019, Archibooks 2010, Infolio 2011 and 2018).
Inès Lamunière was born in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1954. After studying architecture at the EPF Lausanne, where she graduated in 1980, she continued her training in architectural theory and history as a member of the Swiss Institute in Rome, and then became an assistant lecturer at the ETH Zurich under Professor Werner Oechslin. She co-edited the Geneva-based architecture journal Faces - Journal d’architectures from 1989 to 2004.
In 1996, 1999 and 2008 she was Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.
In 1991 she was appointed as adjunct professor, Design Studio Master I-III at ETH Zurich and in 1994, as associate professor in Architecture and Design at EPF Lausanne. In parallel to her teaching and from 2001 to 2018, she set up and directed the research team and laboratory LAMU (Laboratory of Urban Architecture and Mobility – EPFL).
She was Chair of the Department of Architecture, EPFL, from 2008 to 2011 and Member of the Board of ARCHIZOOM, from 2008 to 2012.
She serves as Vice-President of the EPFL WISH Foundation (Women in Sciences and Humanities), from 2006 to 2016. And since 2016, Member of the Board of the Fondation pour le développement des arts et de la culture (FODAC) in Geneva.
2011 Grand Swiss Art Award - Meret Oppenheim Prize.
2017 Chevalier des arts et lettres, Ministry of Culture, France.
Main publications in architectural Design:
Joseph Abram, Devanthéry & Lamunière, Fo(u)r Example(s), Birkhäuser-Verlag, Basel, 1996.
Joseph Abram, Devanthéry & Lamunière, Pathfinders, Birkhäuser-Verlag, Basel, 2005.
Emmanuel Caille et al., Devanthéry & Lamunière, InDetails, Archibooks Sautereau Ed, Paris, 2010.
Anne Kockelkorn and Laurent Stalder, Devanthéry – Lamunière : images d’architecture / Deux entretiens, Editions Infolio, Gollion, 2011.
Inès Lamunière, It’s all about space, ISR, Milano, 2019
Main publications in Research :
Inès Lamuniere, et al., Le Corbusier à Genève, Payot, Lausanne, 1987.
Inès Lamuniere, et al., Das Wettbewerbsprojekt für den Völkerbundspalast in Genf, 1927, GTA-ETH, Zurich, 1987.
Inès Lamuniere, et al., Bellerive-Plage, projets et chantiers, Payot, Lausanne, 1997.
Inès Lamuniere, et al., Le Corbusier : la construction de l'immeuble Clarté à Genève, Cataloghi dell'Accademia di Architettura, Gustavo Gili, Mendrisio/Milano, 1999.
Inès Lamuniere, Fo(u)r cities, PPUR, Lausanne, 2005.
Inès Lamuniere, Habiter la menace, PPUR, Lausanne, 2006.
Inès Lamuniere, Green and Grey, Urban and Natural, GSD Harvard et EPFL, Cambridge et Lausanne, 2009.
Inès Lamunière, Objets risqués - Le pari des infrastructures intégratives, PPUR, Lausanne, 2015.
Inès Lamunière, Laurent Stalder, Teaching Architecture – A Dialogue, Birkhäuser-Verlag, Basel, 2018. Elena Cogato LanzaEDUCATION 2000 PHD ès sciences at the Department of Architecture EPFL Lausanne. (Thesis: L'urbanisme en devenir: réseaux et matériaux de l'aménagement urbain à Genève dans les années trente). 1990 Laurea in Architettura at the Institute of Architecture, University of Venice (Italy). EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2018 Lecturer at Faculty of Geosciences and Environment, UNIL Lausanne. Since 2007 Maître d’Enseignement et de Recherche at the EPFL, ENAC Faculty, at the Laboratory of Urbanism. 2006 Lecturer at the Institute of Geography, University of Neuchâtel. 2000-2007 Research associate and Lecturer at the EPFL, Department of Architecture. 2001-2009 Associate foreign scientist at LOUEST (Laboratoire Organisations Urbaines: Espaces Sociétés Temporalités, UMR CNRS 2410, France). 2000 Maître de Conférence, Section 24 « Aménagement de l’espace, urbanisme » of the French Council of Universities. 1995-2006 Research associate at the Fondation Braillard Architectes, Geneva. INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSABILITIES Since 2018 Member of the Scientific Committee of the EPFL Research Center HABITAT. Since 2017 Member of the Committee of the Doctoral School EDAR. Since 2017 Member of the Scientific Committe of the CAS Thèmes et Echelles de l’Urbanisme, in the frame of the MAS-Continuing Education in Urbanism, EPFL - University of Geneva. Related to these activities, are other roles in the academy: Member of the Library Commission at the EPFL (since 2013) Member of the Research Commission at the ENAC Faculty (2009-1015), Member and/or President of the PhD final exam and Phd admission exam juries for the Doctoral Schools of University of Venice, KU Leuven, Université de Grenoble, Université de Louvain-La-Neuve and EPFL. APPROVED RESEARCH PROJECTS I have a 20 years of experience in interdisciplinary research projects, involving principally the domains of architecture, landscape, environmental engineers, and sociology. My most important research experience relates to the SNF Sinergia "Post-car world. A trans-disciplinary multi-dimensional Simulation" as Partner Leader (Main Leader: Prof. Jacques Lévy), and as Main Leader of the Sub-Project C: "Urbanity. Configuring a Post-Car world" (2013-2017). Others projects to be mentioned: "Urban gardening and human wellbeing in the greater Lausanne area" (Partner leader; ENAC Exploratory Grant 2016-17) ; "Territory in the Crisis" (Partner leader; Compagnia di San Paolo 2013-15) ; "1 km Well-being. The Urban Landscape Observatory" (Partner leader; Swiss cooperation project in architecture, CEPF and CUS Funding 2009-2011); "Résistance et projet. Du destin des Grottes (1930-2030)" (Partner leader; partnership EPFL and Fondation Braillard Architectes). Currently, I’m co-leading the Joint Project "City and Production in the frame of crisis" (Compagnia di San Paolo and Politecnico di Torino) and leading the research project "Designing an interdisciplinary research and education concept in Ecological Habitat" (ENAC Exploratory Grant). SUPERVISION OF JUNIRO RESEARCHERS AT PHD AND POSTDOC LEVELS Currently, I am super-vising 2 and co-supervising 2 Phd theses, after supervising 2 (end 2017) and co-supervising 2 (end 2017-2018). I supervised 1 Post Doc fellowship (2009). TEACHNING ACTIVITIES I am currently teaching in the following fields: History and Theory of urbanism, Theory of contemporary landscape and urban design, Cultural representation of nature, Interdisciplinary issues in Urban and Land Planning. My present classes at EPFL are: Theories of Urbanism I and II (bachelor); UE J Territory and Landscape (master seminar). After being responsible of interdisciplinary education in ENAC-EPFL (Cours ENAC, 2006-08; ENAC Week, 2004-17), I have been increasingly involved in Post graduate education. Namely, I am member of the Board of the CAS Thèmes et Echelles de l’Urbanisme, in the frame of MAS Continuing Education in Urbanism EPFL-UNIGE (Since 2018), after being co-responsible of PhD class Concepts and Theory 1 (EDAR-EPFL 2014-2017). Recently I chaired the Scientific committee of the Doctoral Seminar Comparing habitat in the frame of swissuniversities (2017) and co-coordinated the International Masterclass Territories in the crisis (EPFL-Polytchnique of Turin-University of Venise, 2016). RECENT MEMBERSHIPS IN PANELS, BOARDS, ETC. AND INDIVIDUAL SCIENTIFIC REVIEWING ACTIVITIES 2019 Member of the Research Commission of the Ecole Nationales Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble. 2018 President of the Steering Committee of the international Greater Geneva. 2016 Reviewer for the National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (Italy), in the frame of the Evaluation of Research Quality for the years 2011-2014. Since 2015 Scientific expert for the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO, Belgium), as reviewer for New research project proposal. 2012-2015 Member of the selection committe for the « Prix Victor and Hélène Barbour » in literary and aesthetical critique, Faculté des Lettres of the University of Geneva. 2011 Scientific expert for the Agence Nationale de Recherche (France), in the frame of the Program Sociétés Innovantes. Innovation, économie, modes de vie. Since 2011 Member of the international scientific committee of the Grand Prix de l’Urbanisme (Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development, France). 2010-2012 Member of the Swiss Committee Europan; President of Scientific Selection committe of Europan 10, Swiss section, Inventer l’urbanité, Concours européen de projets innovants. 2008-2009 Member of the Scientific Committee for the international research-development program « Grand Pari de l’Agglomération Parisienne », French Ministry of Culture and Communication. 2004-2009 Scientific expert for the French Ministry of Culture and Communication (DAPA-BRAUP) in the frame of the interdisciplinary research programs « L’architecture de la grande échelle » and « Art Architecture Paysage ». EDITORIAL BOARDS. Member of the International Editorial Boards of Cahiers de la recherche architecturale, urbaine et paysagère (since 2017), the series Landscripts, Institute of Landscape Architecture, ETHZ-Jovis Publisher, Berlin (since 2012), of the journal Les Carnets du Paysage, Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage, Versailles et Marseille (since 2010). Finally, I am Associate Publisher of the publishing house Metispresses in Geneva and Director of the series “vuesDensemble” and “vuesDensembleEssai” (2008on). ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP IN SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES, FELLOWSHIPS IN RENOWED ACADEMIES Since 2015 President of the Board of the Fondation Braillard Architectes, Geneva; member of the Board since 2010. 2010-2012 Member of the Board of Utopiana, interdisciplinary artistic plateform, Geneva. 2000-2002 Member of the European Association of Urban History. ORGANISED CONFERENCES I have regularly been a member of Scientific Committee of national and international scientific conferences and symposia, such as: International Symposium Brussels Ecosystem (october 2019), International PhD Seminar U&U Urbanism & Urbanisation (XIX-2018, and VIII-2015), Journées Biennales des Géosciences de l’Environnement de l’UNIL (2018), International Symposium Latsis 2015 (2015), and, before, ERAU European Symposium on Research in Architecture, Urban and Landscape Design (2005), and European Association of Urban History (2002 and 2000). PRIZES AND DISTINCTIONS 1991–1992 Swiss confederation Fellowship at the University of Geneva. Grant of the Swiss Confederation – Conseil de l'Europe.
Gloria Serra CochGlòria Serra Coch is an architect by the Polytechnique School of Catalonia (UPC), Architecture School of Barcelona. During her studies and after graduation, she assisted the research team Architecture, Energy and Environment (AiEM), exploring methods of integrating renewable energies in cities as well as finding ways of measuring the impact of urban morphology in energetic parameters.In 2017, she obtained la Caixa Fellowship for Postgraduate Studies to pursue a MS. in Urban Planning at Columbia University, New York. She graduated with a concentration in Urban Analytics and won the Planning Practice Thesis Award, for analyzing the impact of mapping in the historical planning of New York City neighborhoods. At Columbia, she assisted researching the effects of mobility networks in social accessibility, using GIS public data to map individual opportunity based on time-space daily constraints.After graduation, she combined professional practice with academics and research. She started working in the Urban Planning team of CallisonRTKL, where she also got involved with the newly created research division and participated in the first Digital Evolution Lab. At the same time, she also assisted, as adjunct professor, a joint architecture-urban planning studio of Columbia University focused on Puerto Rico’s inner connectivity.
Jacques LévyJacques Lévy (1952-) is a geographer and an urbanist, full professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL). He is the director of Chôros Laboratory and the director of the Architecture and Sciences of the City doctoral programme.
His major concerns are social theory of space, urbanity, globalisation, cartography, and the epistemology of social sciences. He has completed numerous research projects, including theoretical reflections, field studies on metropolises worldwide, and practical urban and territorial projects. He is working on the introduction of non-verbal, namely audio-visual languages, in all dimensions of academic research. He has been the director of a scientific film, Urbanity/ies (2013)
Positions and Activities
Formerly, he has been researcher at the French CNRS, then professor at the Paris Institut détudes politique (Sciences Po, F) and at Rheims University (F). He has been invited professor in various universities: UCLA, NYU, USP (São Paulo), LOrientale (Naples), Macquarie (Sydney), and the Reclus Chair in Mexico City. He has been a fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (2003-2004). He has been invited as a keynote speaker in many congresses and conferences throughout the World.
He is the co-editor of EspacesTemps.net, a bilingual free-access journal of social sciences. He is the co-director of Lespace en société book series at PPUR/EPFL Press publisher. He is the scientific adviser of Pouvoirs Locaux journal. He is member of the international Grand Prix de lUrbanisme (Paris). He has numerous collaborations with newspapers and radio channels in France and Switzerland.
He has published in French, English, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Hungarian. Among his 600 publications, the following ones can be particularly noted: Révolutions, fin et suite (with Patrick Garcia & Marie-Flore Mattei, EspacesTemps/Centre Georges Pompidou, 1991);
Géographies du politique (ed., Presses de Sciences Po/EspacesTemps, 1991); Le monde : espaces et systèmes (with Marie-Françoise Durand & Denis Retaillé, Presses de Sciences Po/Dalloz, 1992 ; 2nd edition 1993), Lespace légitime (Presses de la FNSP, 1994); Egogéographies (LHarmattan, 1995); Le monde pour Cité (Hachette, 1996); Nouvelles géographies (Le Débat journal, special issue Nov. 1996); Europe : une géographie (Hachette, 1997 ; new edition 2011); Mondialisation : les mots et les choses (with the Mondialisation group, Karthala, 1999); Le tournant géographique (Belin, 1999); Logiques de lespace, esprit des lieux (Belin, 2000, co-ed. Michel Lussault); Repenser le territoire : un dictionnaire critique (LAube, 2000, with Serge Wachter et al.); From Geopolitics to Global Politics (ed., Frank Cass, Londres, 2001); Dictionnaire de la géographie et de lespace des sociétés (Belin, 2003, co-ed. with Michel Lussault); La carte, enjeu contemporain (La Documentation Photographique, 2004, with Patrick Poncet & Emmanuelle Tricoire); Les sens du mouvement (Belin, 2005, co-ed. with Sylvain Allemand & François Ascher); Eine geographische Wende » (Geographische Zeitschrift journal, special issue, 2005); Penser lespace pour lire la vieillesse (PUF, 2006, with Pierre Brunel, Claudine Attias-Donfut, & Jean Morval); Milton Santos, philosophe du mondial, citoyen du local (PPUR, 2007);
Linvention du Monde (ed., Presses de Sciences Po, 2008); The City (Ashgate, 2008); Échelles de lhabiter (ed., PUCA, 2008); Our Inhabited Space (ed., FNRS, 2009); Le sfide cartografiche (co-ed with Emanuela Casti, Il Lavoro Editoriale, 2010); Globalization of Urbanity (dir., avec Josep Acebillo et Chrisitan Schmid, iCUP, 2013); Réinventer la France (Fayard, 2013); Mondialisation : consommateur ou acteur ? (avec Jacques Cossart et Lucas Léger, Le Muscadier, 2013).