Lambda calculus (also written as λ-calculus) is a formal system in mathematical logic for expressing computation based on function abstraction and application using variable binding and substitution. It is a universal model of computation that can be used to simulate any Turing machine. It was introduced by the mathematician Alonzo Church in the 1930s as part of his research into the foundations of mathematics. Lambda calculus consists of constructing lambda terms and performing reduction operations on them. In the simplest form of lambda calculus, terms are built using only the following rules: Some lambda term, a character or string representing a parameter, or mathematical/logical value. A lambda abstraction is a function definition , where the between the λ and the punctum (the dot .) will need explicit substitution in itself. (See β-reduction) An application, applying a function to an argument . Both and are lambda terms. The reduction operations include: α-conversion, renaming the bound variables in the expression. Used to avoid name collisions. β-reduction, replacing the bound variables with the argument expression in the body of the abstraction. If De Bruijn indexing is used, then α-conversion is no longer required as there will be no name collisions. If repeated application of the reduction steps eventually terminates, then by the Church–Rosser theorem it will produce a β-normal form. Variable names are not needed if using a universal lambda function, such as Iota and Jot, which can create any function behavior by calling it on itself in various combinations. Lambda calculus is Turing complete, that is, it is a universal model of computation that can be used to simulate any Turing machine. Its namesake, the Greek letter lambda (λ), is used in lambda expressions and lambda terms to denote binding a variable in a function. Lambda calculus may be untyped or typed. In typed lambda calculus, functions can be applied only if they are capable of accepting the given input's "type" of data.
Martin Odersky, Aleksander Slawomir Boruch-Gruszecki, Ondrej Lhoták