Artemia salina is a species of brine shrimp – aquatic crustaceans that are more closely related to Triops and cladocerans than to true shrimp. It belongs to a lineage that does not appear to have changed much in .
Artemia salina is native to saline lakes, ponds, and temporary waters (not seas) in the Mediterranean region of Southern Europe, Anatolia, and Northern Africa. Considerable taxonomic confusion exists, and some populations elsewhere have formerly been referred to as this species, but are now recognized as separate species.
Artemia salina has three eyes and 11 pairs of legs and can grow to about in size. Its blood contains the pigment hemoglobin, which is also found in vertebrates. Males differ from females by having their second antennae markedly enlarged, and modified into clasping organs used in mating.
Males have two reproductive organs. Prior to copulation, the male clasps the female with his clasping organ, assuming a dorsal position. The claspers hold the female just anterior to the ovisac. A male and female may swim clasped together for a number of days. In this state, the movements of the swimming appendages of the pair beat in a co-ordinated fashion. The females can produce eggs either as a result of mating or via parthenogenesis. There are two types of eggs: thin-shelled eggs that hatch immediately and thick-shelled eggs, which can remain in a dormant state. These cysts can last for a number of years, and hatch when they are placed in saltwater. Thick-shelled eggs are produced when the body of water is drying out, food is scarce, and the salt concentration is rising. If the female dies, the eggs develop further. Eggs hatch into nauplii that are about 0.5 mm in length. They have a single simple eye that only senses the presence and direction of light. Nauplii swim towards the light, but adults swim away from it. Later, the two more capable eyes develop, but the initial eye also stays, resulting in three-eyed creatures.
In nature, they live in salt lakes.