A frequency changer or frequency converter is an electronic or electromechanical device that converts alternating current (AC) of one frequency to alternating current of another frequency. The device may also change the voltage, but if it does, that is incidental to its principal purpose, since voltage conversion of alternating current is much easier to achieve than frequency conversion. Traditionally, these devices were electromechanical machines called a motor-generator set. Also devices with mercury arc rectifiers or vacuum tubes were in use. With the advent of solid state electronics, it has become possible to build completely electronic frequency changers. These devices usually consist of a rectifier stage (producing direct current) which is then inverted to produce AC of the desired frequency. The inverter may use thyristors, IGCTs or IGBTs. If voltage conversion is desired, a transformer will usually be included in either the AC input or output circuitry and this transformer may also provide galvanic isolation between the input and output AC circuits. A battery may also be added to the DC circuitry to improve the converter's ride-through of brief outages in the input power. Frequency changers vary in power-handling capability from a few watts to megawatts. Frequency changers are used for converting bulk AC power from one frequency to another, when two adjacent power grids operate at different utility frequency. A variable-frequency drive (VFD) is a type of frequency changer used for speed control of AC motors such as used for pumps and fans. The speed of a Synchronous AC motor is dependent on the frequency of the AC power supply, so changing frequency allows the motor speed to be changed. This allows fan or pump output to be varied to match process conditions, which can provide energy savings. A cycloconverter is also a type of frequency changer. Unlike a VFD, which is an indirect frequency changer since it uses an AC-DC stage and then a DC-AC stage, a cycloconverter is a direct frequency changer because it uses no intermediate stages.
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