Periodic continued fractionIn mathematics, an infinite periodic continued fraction is a continued fraction that can be placed in the form where the initial block of k + 1 partial denominators is followed by a block [ak+1, ak+2,...ak+m] of partial denominators that repeats ad infinitum. For example, can be expanded to a periodic continued fraction, namely as [1,2,2,2,...]. The partial denominators {ai} can in general be any real or complex numbers. That general case is treated in the article convergence problem.
Difference of two squaresIn mathematics, the difference of two squares is a squared (multiplied by itself) number subtracted from another squared number. Every difference of squares may be factored according to the identity in elementary algebra. The proof of the factorization identity is straightforward. Starting from the left-hand side, apply the distributive law to get By the commutative law, the middle two terms cancel: leaving The resulting identity is one of the most commonly used in mathematics.
Square root of 5The square root of 5 is the positive real number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the prime number 5. It is more precisely called the principal square root of 5, to distinguish it from the negative number with the same property. This number appears in the fractional expression for the golden ratio. It can be denoted in surd form as: It is an irrational algebraic number. The first sixty significant digits of its decimal expansion are: 2.23606 79774 99789 69640 91736 68731 27623 54406 18359 61152 57242 7089.
Proof that π is irrationalIn the 1760s, Johann Heinrich Lambert was the first to prove that the number pi is irrational, meaning it cannot be expressed as a fraction , where and are both integers. In the 19th century, Charles Hermite found a proof that requires no prerequisite knowledge beyond basic calculus. Three simplifications of Hermite's proof are due to Mary Cartwright, Ivan Niven, and Nicolas Bourbaki. Another proof, which is a simplification of Lambert's proof, is due to Miklós Laczkovich. Many of these are proofs by contradiction.
Almost allIn mathematics, the term "almost all" means "all but a negligible quantity". More precisely, if is a set, "almost all elements of " means "all elements of but those in a negligible subset of ". The meaning of "negligible" depends on the mathematical context; for instance, it can mean finite, countable, or null. In contrast, "almost no" means "a negligible quantity"; that is, "almost no elements of " means "a negligible quantity of elements of ". Throughout mathematics, "almost all" is sometimes used to mean "all (elements of an infinite set) except for finitely many".
Exact trigonometric valuesIn mathematics, the values of the trigonometric functions can be expressed approximately, as in , or exactly, as in . While trigonometric tables contain many approximate values, the exact values for certain angles can be expressed by a combination of arithmetic operations and square roots. The trigonometric functions of angles that are multiples of 15°, 18°, or 22.5° have simple algebraic values. These values are listed in the following table for angles from 0° to 90°.
Normal numberIn mathematics, a real number is said to be simply normal in an integer base b if its infinite sequence of digits is distributed uniformly in the sense that each of the b digit values has the same natural density 1/b. A number is said to be normal in base b if, for every positive integer n, all possible strings n digits long have density b−n. Intuitively, a number being simply normal means that no digit occurs more frequently than any other.
Real numberIn mathematics, a real number is a number that can be used to measure a continuous one-dimensional quantity such as a distance, duration or temperature. Here, continuous means that pairs of values can have arbitrarily small differences. Every real number can be almost uniquely represented by an infinite decimal expansion. The real numbers are fundamental in calculus (and more generally in all mathematics), in particular by their role in the classical definitions of limits, continuity and derivatives.
Nth rootIn mathematics, taking the nth root is an operation involving two numbers, the radicand and the index or degree. Taking the nth root is written as , where x is the radicand and n is the index (also sometimes called the degree). This is pronounced as "the nth root of x". The definition then of an nth root of a number x is a number r (the root) which, when raised to the power of the positive integer n, yields x: A root of degree 2 is called a square root (usually written without the n as just ) and a root of degree 3, a cube root (written ).
PiThe number pi (paɪ; spelled out as "pi") is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159. The number pi appears in many formulae across mathematics and physics. It is an irrational number, meaning that it cannot be expressed exactly as a ratio of two integers, although fractions such as are commonly used to approximate it. Consequently, its decimal representation never ends, nor enters a permanently repeating pattern.