In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics, Fréchet spaces, named after Maurice Fréchet, are special topological vector spaces.
They are generalizations of Banach spaces (normed vector spaces that are complete with respect to the metric induced by the norm).
All Banach and Hilbert spaces are Fréchet spaces.
Spaces of infinitely differentiable functions are typical examples of Fréchet spaces, many of which are typically Banach spaces.
A Fréchet space is defined to be a locally convex metrizable topological vector space (TVS) that is complete as a TVS, meaning that every Cauchy sequence in converges to some point in (see footnote for more details).
Important note: Not all authors require that a Fréchet space be locally convex (discussed below).
The topology of every Fréchet space is induced by some translation-invariant complete metric.
Conversely, if the topology of a locally convex space is induced by a translation-invariant complete metric then is a Fréchet space.
Fréchet was the first to use the term "Banach space" and Banach in turn then coined the term "Fréchet space" to mean a complete metrizable topological vector space, without the local convexity requirement (such a space is today often called an "F-space").
The local convexity requirement was added later by Nicolas Bourbaki.
It's important to note that a sizable number of authors (e.g. Schaefer) use "F-space" to mean a (locally convex) Fréchet space while others do not require that a "Fréchet space" be locally convex.
Moreover, some authors even use "F-space" and "Fréchet space" interchangeably.
When reading mathematical literature, it is recommended that a reader always check whether the book's or article's definition of "-space" and "Fréchet space" requires local convexity.
Fréchet spaces can be defined in two equivalent ways: the first employs a translation-invariant metric, the second a countable family of seminorms.
A topological vector space is a Fréchet space if and only if it satisfies the following three properties:
It is locally convex.
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Un MOOC francophone d'algèbre linéaire accessible à tous, enseigné de manière rigoureuse et ne nécessitant aucun prérequis.
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics with examples related to chemistry
This is an introductory course on Elliptic Partial Differential Equations. The course will cover the theory of both classical and generalized (weak) solutions of elliptic PDEs.
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In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics, locally convex topological vector spaces (LCTVS) or locally convex spaces are examples of topological vector spaces (TVS) that generalize normed spaces. They can be defined as topological vector spaces whose topology is generated by translations of balanced, absorbent, convex sets. Alternatively they can be defined as a vector space with a family of seminorms, and a topology can be defined in terms of that family.
In functional analysis, an F-space is a vector space over the real or complex numbers together with a metric such that Scalar multiplication in is continuous with respect to and the standard metric on or Addition in is continuous with respect to The metric is translation-invariant; that is, for all The metric space is complete. The operation is called an F-norm, although in general an F-norm is not required to be homogeneous. By translation-invariance, the metric is recoverable from the F-norm.
In the area of mathematics known as functional analysis, a reflexive space is a locally convex topological vector space (TVS) for which the canonical evaluation map from into its bidual (which is the strong dual of the strong dual of ) is an isomorphism of TVSs. Since a normable TVS is reflexive if and only if it is semi-reflexive, every normed space (and so in particular, every Banach space) is reflexive if and only if the canonical evaluation map from into its bidual is surjective; in this case the normed space is necessarily also a Banach space.
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