In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics, the group algebra is any of various constructions to assign to a locally compact group an operator algebra (or more generally a Banach algebra), such that representations of the algebra are related to representations of the group. As such, they are similar to the group ring associated to a discrete group.
If G is a locally compact Hausdorff group, G carries an essentially unique left-invariant countably additive Borel measure μ called a Haar measure. Using the Haar measure, one can define a convolution operation on the space Cc(G) of complex-valued continuous functions on G with compact support; Cc(G) can then be given any of various norms and the completion will be a group algebra.
To define the convolution operation, let f and g be two functions in Cc(G). For t in G, define
The fact that is continuous is immediate from the dominated convergence theorem. Also
where the dot stands for the product in G. Cc(G) also has a natural involution defined by:
where Δ is the modular function on G. With this involution, it is a *-algebra.
Theorem. With the norm:
Cc(G) becomes an involutive normed algebra with an approximate identity.
The approximate identity can be indexed on a neighborhood basis of the identity consisting of compact sets. Indeed, if V is a compact neighborhood of the identity, let fV be a non-negative continuous function supported in V such that
Then {fV}V is an approximate identity. A group algebra has an identity, as opposed to just an approximate identity, if and only if the topology on the group is the discrete topology.
Note that for discrete groups, Cc(G) is the same thing as the complex group ring C[G].
The importance of the group algebra is that it captures the unitary representation theory of G as shown in the following
Theorem. Let G be a locally compact group. If U is a strongly continuous unitary representation of G on a Hilbert space H, then
is a non-degenerate bounded *-representation of the normed algebra Cc(G).
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This paper presents a self contained approach to the theory of convolution operators on locally compact groups (both commutative and non commutative) based on the use of the Figà–Talamanca Herz algebras. The case of finite groups is also considered. ...
In mathematics, Hilbert spaces (named after David Hilbert) allow the methods of linear algebra and calculus to be generalized from (finite-dimensional) Euclidean vector spaces to spaces that may be infinite-dimensional. Hilbert spaces arise naturally and frequently in mathematics and physics, typically as function spaces. Formally, a Hilbert space is a vector space equipped with an inner product that induces a distance function for which the space is a complete metric space.
In mathematics, and more specifically in abstract algebra, a *-algebra (or involutive algebra) is a mathematical structure consisting of two involutive rings R and A, where R is commutative and A has the structure of an associative algebra over R. Involutive algebras generalize the idea of a number system equipped with conjugation, for example the complex numbers and complex conjugation, matrices over the complex numbers and conjugate transpose, and linear operators over a Hilbert space and Hermitian adjoints.
In mathematics, a Hopf algebra, named after Heinz Hopf, is a structure that is simultaneously an (unital associative) algebra and a (counital coassociative) coalgebra, with these structures' compatibility making it a bialgebra, and that moreover is equipped with an antiautomorphism satisfying a certain property. The representation theory of a Hopf algebra is particularly nice, since the existence of compatible comultiplication, counit, and antipode allows for the construction of tensor products of representations, trivial representations, and dual representations.
We provide a new description of the complex computing the Hochschild homology of an -unitary -algebra as a derived tensor product such that: (1) there is a canonical morphism from it to the complex computing the cyclic homology of that was introduced by Ko ...
A convolution algebra is a topological vector space X that is closed under the convolution operation. It is said to be inverse-closed if each element of X whose spectrum is bounded away from zero has a convolution inverse that is also part of the algebra. ...